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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Yeah, I forget that there probably is a lag between his actual death and when the doctor calls it. Creepier than a Kansas bug.
  2. Is this something akin to "play him off, keyboard cat"? It's like you're speaking a different language.
  3. Bagel and cream cheese (chives & onions variety) -- first one I had in over a week. Tasty.
  4. Re: Ayre QB-9 -- the review in Stereophile made me want to give it a serious listen.
  5. (wanders off, fact checks) 2:26 local time -- that's PST -- so ahead by about 1:24. Creepy.
  6. Corydalus cornutus Hmph. "...that's some good eatin'."
  7. That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure it wasn't a colloquialism I was unfamiliar with.
  8. It does? (Hint: moar nao oar bahn.)
  9. And here I was thinking Frontal Lobotomy. Here's to hoping they got it all out! (We make fun of ya, but I wouldn't wish that on anyone.)
  10. "RIL"?
  11. And then there are people who are foolishly going to buy these things and expect it to meet spec because it says it's a USB cable, and find out otherwise. It's for their protection. Just as one would have potential buyers of crap amps protected by simply knowing the crap amp builders.
  12. Lang Lang was fine, moving on to Maazel, Shostakovich No. 5, Tchaikovsky Romeo & Juliet & Fantasy Overture (Telarc SACD).
  13. FIFY...I think. I had to change all the image names from t... to s... but I logged in to rateyourmusic to see for myself, so someone who's not logged in should verify whether or not they can see the images.
  14. Head-Case -- calling bullshit on bullshit since 2006.
  15. Just got a link to this in my email today. US$700.
  16. I thought rate-your-music didn't like image-sharing.
  17. The Mahler was fine (no clicks that I heard), moving on to: Lang Lang, Live at Seiji Ozawa Hall, Tanglewood, Telarc SACD
  18. No, don't do that. Go back and read the welcome PM, this is one of the few places where it's not actually boiler-plate, and we actually expect you to read it.
  19. Technically, that's not true (unless you're talking median or mode, not mean).
  20. Oh, the guy with the dot. You guys banned him over that? That's just stupid.
  21. I think Stax earspeakers take more speaker amp -like signals than headphone amp -like signals. I don't remember who, but I think someone has their faux srd7 set up as basically a pass-through (so basically the only thing it's doing is creating the stator voltage). That said, I don't think the Stax earspeakers present a pleasant 8 ohm or 4 ohm load, so the real boxes may actually accomodate for that. I can't imagine what else they'd be doing, other than the switching function. So as long as your amp can drive an unpleasant load, it should be fine. Someone who knows moar bettr please feel free to call me on talking out of my ass.
  22. Who's "Les"?
  23. Hawt wagon. And yes, Dusty approves of the grey/pewter finish as well.
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