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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. I don't care what the status quo is, it's not an advertisement. And yes, I realize I just sided against Pandora. Fuck me.
  2. What?!?!? No. The music performances are the end product, not the advertisement.
  3. I was talking about morality, not legality. Legality is never cut and dry. So, in answer to your question, being a big fan of Negativland and MACOS and fair use, the "new" artist would be the one receiving the royalties, as they are the one who "wrote" the new song. Of course, if it's as unoriginal and crappy as "Ice Ice Baby", I'd work outside the system and insult and deride the artist until they stopped playing it.
  4. Have you discovered Ephel Duath yet? Painter's Palette. Metal with a lot of variety, some jazz elements.
  5. I think they should get paid for their work, yes. Seems pretty cut and dry to me.
  6. I was too busy drooling over all the Focal speakers. How is it you noticed, are you really that keen on Stax? I think I just answered my own question.
  7. I have no idea. In my mind, it was shred tossings, but it could well be. Great pics, cats, and kitties, everyone! I'm :ian:ing this thread already.
  8. Google "FSB vs. QPI", it's pretty interesting.
  9. (shrug) It's what he said he wanted. I'm not going to argue with anything you said, because it all makes sense.
  10. Feel free to use this thread to discuss anything kitty-related. There are several of us here who love cats, and those that don't can just ignore this whole thread. I just told my sister to send me another cat.
  11. That said, being SLI-ready doesn't need to be expensive. One could certainly go to NewEgg and click "Nvidia" and "SLI-ready" and "<US$100" (and "HDCP-compliant" and whatever else one wants) and come up with quite a few choices.
  12. Jarvi, Rite of Spring, SACD
  13. My dentist is a male, so though he may be hot, he's not my type.
  14. Man, some of those oral hygenists are so hot. (wanders off to make an appointment)
  15. I fucking hate crickets. This one time, one went off right next to my head; the next morning, a potted plant was on the floor when everyone woke up.
  16. No! He's using the case as a heatsink; if anything, redo it so that it is heatsunk more appropriately.
  17. That kid looks like the kid who...HOLY SHIT IT IS! He's EVERYWHERE!!!1!onoes! Must be Jesus' 2nd incarnation.
  18. Yeah, go ahead, I just emailed Ivy (hey, it was her email that's on the measurements page). And yes, since headphones are their specialty, I tend to expect Headroom's measurements are the more accurate, but I didn't expect Stereophile's to be wrong. But luvdunhill's thought on head-vs.-no-head might be a legitimate one. I'd be curious if there's anything to that.
  19. That EVGA is complete overkill, so that would map to the "top end" as Billy put it. Not that there's anything wrong with complete overkill. The 9800 series is pretty much the sweet spot in bang-for-the-buck these days. I would get one with more memory if you're going to be doing video. I guess the real question is (because this is the deciding factor with video cards) -- are you going to be doing any gaming on this deck? It's usually gaming for which you want anything beyond an entry level video card. There's a couple of other pieces of software that will utilize it, not sure what CAD software you are referring to. Please specify so that we can look it up, 'cause that might be one of them.
  20. John Atkinson did, indeed, specifically say that they were on his head when he measured them. Which is fair. Whether or not that corresponds to free air is left as a judgment on the part of the reader. I suspect it would be closer to a dummy head than to free air (and vice versa [i suspect Headroom's dummy head would more closely reflect normal real-world listening situations than free air]), myself. Whether or not actual impedance was measured while on the dummy head in Headroom's measurements can only be ascertained by Headroom.
  21. At this point definitely go i7. There is no FSB because it's basically all asynchronous direct memory accesses -- they've replaced the frontside bus, essentially (oversimplification, but will do for the purpose of convincing Billy). Asus P6T motherboard is perfectly adequate. Look up reviews. Let me know if you find any reviews that says, "is better than" in front of "Asus P6T". Max out on memory. Make sure you get one that matches the capability of your CPU and motherboard, so that it isn't the bottleneck. 50 inch LCD monitor? You mean you're going to use a television as your monitor, right? Because the largest monitor I've seen is 30 inch. 1080p is easy, practically anything current (graphics-card -wise) will do 1080p. < US$100 Nvidia's constantly go on sale at NewEgg. I'll let others answer the Raid question, as I haven't been following that at all. One thing I will say is someone mentioned to me that they wanted to Raid their OS disk not for safety/security/backup reasons, but to go faster. After they explained it (you're essentially hooking up the drives in parallel so that they act as one big multi-platter drive array that can deliver data amongst the "platters" simultaneously and independently at the same time), I could see how it might be a good idea in that particular scenario. I know this is not where you're coming from, but I thought I'd mention it if it interests you. Fans -- don't skimp on cooling. Overclocking is one thing yes, but lots of video and music == lots of disk access, you want your hard drives not to burn up neither. Especially if you're Raidin'.
  22. Yeah, that's it -- a "Prince Albert".
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