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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. The W5000's fit weird on a lot of people -- tread carefully. I think you should get the A2000X and report back to us how it sounds.
  2. Lutoslawski/Bartok, Concertos for Orchestra, Jarvi, SACD
  3. Intra-and-Supra-aural-jam?
  4. Except that the Oppo -- like probably every other SACD player out there -- will only output SACD over HDMI, so you're going to have to figure that out. If you do, please post your results, because I don't think anyone else has...yet... Cool about Fitz -- I somehow missed that. I had an entirely different mental image of what he did for a living...not sure what it was, but it wasn't that...I've actually fantasized about doing that for a living, myself. And feel free to post the discussions publicly, some of us are reading this thread for educational purposes.
  5. Oop, you're right, I misread Torpedo's post backwards -- I read "can't" instead of "can". Oh, and I ain't missin' nuthin'. You're stubborn, and that's alright by me.
  6. Hey, wow, chicks.
  7. "...install...", Fitz? What do you do?
  8. In the words of Rhino the Hamster, "That. Is. AWESOME!!!1!"
  9. I prefer the 10 minute "Martin".
  10. Magico M5
  11. Well, yes and no. It's so cheap, and it certainly doesn't hurt. I have a really old computer that went at least 10db quieter when I maxed it out on 4G of memory (32-bit operating systems --> don't bother with more than 4G; 12G --> definitely get a 64-bit operating system, otherwise you're not really utilizing your memory). You're definitely thinking of it wrong -- it actually takes more power/memory to light up 30 inches of 1600p (I.E. 2560x1600) than it does 50 inches of 1080p (I.E. 1920x1080). The only thing your card is going to care about is pixels, so 1080p is 1080p, no matter the form factor. If this is a concern, then get one that is capable of at least 2560x1600 -- which is easy by today's technology (most contemporary cards [>US$50] should be able to do this).
  12. I think you just excluded yourself faster'n I did.
  13. Well then I guess the question is what is the backstory in Jude's mind. I guess I'll never know, and I'm okay with that. Still,
  14. I'm pretty sure I ____ what verb goes there, and no, I didn't notice. Holy shit, how the hell did that happen? I need backstory.
  15. Okay, Billy, now disengage the plugin and speak English.
  16. Well, I'll thank Mike, just because he's here -- thanks Mike! And I'll thank you, just for your being here -- thanks Nate! And anyone else who wants to take credit -- thanks guys!
  17. No, that was exactly my point, he'd rather not work on that amp, he'd rather design him a new one.
  18. So your repair guy is Kevin Gilmore?
  19. Why do you keep using that word? I do not think you know what it means. That sounds more like team dim sum.
  20. If you parboiled it, you could just get mashed potatoes.
  21. Am I being obtuse? Where are the installation instructions for Linux? What am I supposed to run, updater?
  22. The only other thing I can think of is that you need to set your DVD player (Oppo?) to output audio on its HDMI output -- sometimes that's an option. Toslink or coax will work for DVD, but not DVD-Audio nor SACD nor Blu-Ray, I don't think.
  23. So that no-one else has to go through the sign-in process to download the manual (haven't looked in it yet). RX-V365_manual.pdf
  24. So much for Team Minimal, neh?
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