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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Looks more like 5kHz to me, and from here:
  2. That can't be good.
  3. Once a month sherpas? Nice. Is this a time-share?
  4. Depends what algorithm you use. If you use one that invents data, then you have, indeed, gained information. Fictitious information, agreed...as to whether or not it is superior or inferior to the input is subjective. Well then, don't. I explained one or two possible scenarios, but if you don't want to be convinced, then I'll stop trying to teach the pig to sing.
  5. No, but feel free to start your own thread and ask for suggestions. Have you no vinyl whatsoever? I'd start with some classics: Pink Floyd, Animals Pink Floyd, Wish You Were Here Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon Mike Oldfield, Tubular Bells Personal favorites: Talk Talk, Spirit of Eden Talk Talk, The Colour of Spring
  6. 10 years? Jesus, Dusty WANT. I'm lucky if I last a couple of years with my duffles/briefcases/manbags/whatevers.
  7. I'm not sure I see how you get to your "if A then B" B. If you're upsampling in software, then you're probably not doing anything to the driver. Large amounts of data, yes, unnecessary -- well, only if you don't care about upsampling, in which case, why are you upsampling? And now you're at 24/96, not 16/44.1, I don't see how that can amplify the potentional for audible jitter. Going from 16/44.1 to 24/96 -- in, for example, the Monarchy DIP -- inherently reduces jitter (some people use it mostly as a jitter reducer, not because they believe in upsampling). Depends on whether you believe the DAC's upsampling algorithm is superior to whatever software you plan on using. Transmorphicalization?
  8. Scratched? Bummer. Or "brushed"? Did you get them used? I think PriceJapan is just a clearing house for multiple merchants, so...which merchant?
  9. Sounds like they're not compatible. Try a cheap PATA/IDE card?
  10. So the ones I was listening to were the bowls?
  11. And a lot cheaper.
  12. That's the way to do it! I have no idea what these are, whatever they came with. Grawk put some other pads in with them (I'm borrowing his), but I just used what he had on, which are perfect. Might try the 414 pads next week.
  13. (ears perk up)
  14. Why do you need a processor at all, if it has volume control functionality?
  15. I love that commercial.
  16. Oh, c'mon, you've never seen a penis as big as a cactus before? Alright, neither have I.
  17. Those are the cutest things ever. My kitty (yes, I already think of him as mine) was touch and go for a while -- she had found a local recipient, but then changed her mine mind. My cat was touch and go for a while -- she was acting constipated (left as an exercise for the reader to determine what, exactly, I mean by that). She's all better nao.
  18. Man, I had Shatki stones once, those things are the most painful to pass.
  19. You only need one good one. Go Stax.
  20. tickets to Porcupine Tree in Baltimore
  21. Yes they do. Jesus christ these are nice. I'm keeping my order. I'm listening to Peter Gabriel, Up, right now, and the bass is just. right. there. It's not overblow, and it's not "lite", it's just...perfect. "It's still a fuckin' Grado."
  22. T40 Mk II $55
  23. Hurray!
  24. And he somehow managed to phone in during the ordeal.
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