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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Apparently on July 1, Amazon started selling some new AKG phones. I have no idea how new, but I just noticed the ad for it for the first time. I find the 172 and 272 (both closed back) the most interesting myself, but I'm sure Fitz will get them all and tell us how they are.
  2. The M-00's aren't guaranteed to be better. I'd stick with what you got and like.
  3. New Koyaanisqatsi soundtrack and...something else off my wishlist (to fulfill the $25 free shipping minimum)...probably a manga.
  4. I actually like my job.
  5. previewing the new Porcupine Tree from MySpace
  6. The Grado HF-2 is the first Grado that was good enough that I find myself not caring about the comfort issue. And that's saying a lot. I usually find Grado's terribly uncomfortable.
  7. Destined to replace Drobo?
  8. No worries, there are others of us whose tastes needed ...acquiring.
  9. Peter Gabariel, Up, SACD ...again. Goddamn, I love this album. NP: "Sky Blue"
  10. There's something wrong with the lot of you whose first thoughts went in this direction. My dick ain't goin' anywhere near that.
  11. She needs Darwin's law imposed on her.
  12. Yeah, I figured it might be something like "a/c is easier to work with".
  13. , just
  14. Exists, I forget the name of the company though. I distinctly remember a pic from a trade show where it looked like you had to wade through car batteries, they had that many. But I didn't think they had implemented it perfectly -- they used it to generate A/C, and then you know 90% of the internal power supplies converted it back to DC -- why didn't they just run it at DC to begin with? Strikes me as more efficient, though I could be wrong.
  15. No, no birdshit.
  16. No worse than iTunes.
  17. Dew et.
  18. Prog and prog/metal phase: Cynic, Demians, Maserati, looking forward to the new porcupine tree, been actually enjoying the new Dream Theater, etc.
  19. I'm not sure I wanna finish watching that video.
  20. I remember seeing a 24/192 USB recently...forget where, unfortunately...recent issue of Absolute Sound, which had a thing on USB DACs? Will look later.
  21. I have a friend who had the same problem when he heard that Kronos Quartet and Tom Waits played together (they did, but "...at the same festival", not actually at the same time). And I don't think you want to lock anyone alone in a room with Bob Mould.
  22. Alright, here's my Grado HF-2 impression: (ahem) Hey, look, I'm a Grado HF-2! End of impression.
  23. I've heard good things about them. The only problem with them is that unlike the Martin Logans, they're not curved and unlike (I forget the brand) speakers, they don't have the concentric circles, so they beam like crazy.
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