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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Po looks like he has Grados on.
  2. Agreed. Book >> either ending. I, Robot on Blu-Ray -- hummina hummina. I loved that movie. Especially that 3-dimensional set piece.
  3. I've heard a good working McAlister, but I think it was an EA-6. And I doubt it's ever going for sale, because I have first dibs if it does.
  4. I'm back into a SACD phase, which means mostly classical, some jazz, and very little else.
  5. Schubert piano trios, Haydn Trio Eisenstadt via SACD
  6. I feel like Craig Kilbourn in "Craig Kilbourn has a better idea" (a running gag in which he starts listening to a recent artist's current release [sting and Sade were two examples], and then stops it and plays one of their older releases [Police and her first album, respectively]) every time I play Mojave 3. Mojave 3 makes me miss Slowdive.
  7. Has anyone written a Musicbrainz (or similar) app for the iPhone, yet?
  8. Why not a modern Quad, like the ESL-988?
  9. Have you seen some microphone cables? When I say long runs, I mean long runs. There's some videos of some shenanigans by Roger Daltrey of the Who where he throws the microphone up into the air and catches it a full second or two later. Do the math. And that's just the slack.
  10. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jBKKV2V8eU]YouTube - Living with First-Person Shooter Disease[/ame]
  11. Not sure there is a difference that matters, other than when one wants to view the cable as a [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmission_line]Transmission line[/ame] and "load" the devices on either end "properly" (explanation for this statement left off, since it is outside the scope of this thread -- we're talking getting really nitpicky here). Mic cables are designed for particularly long runs of particularly low-level signals, and are (particularly) shielded, so should be able to handle anything you throw at them. (I.E. They are usually used in more demanding situations than interconnects/audio cables would be.)
  12. Spyro Gyra, Good to Go-Go on SACD -- not as jazz-lite as I was concerned it would be. Digging the bass -- modern production techniques.
  13. At least they're honest and forthcoming about it. I have to admit to still being interested in them. Especially if they have more air than other tubes. I wonder why tubes are microphonic? I mean, I understand vibrations and electronic interference (if that's what it is), so actually the question would be, why aren't some tubes microphonic?
  14. Flashbacks. No, seriously, nice detail there, will have to print out and read later.
  15. ...which sounds a lot like the 28 Days/Weeks Later soundtrack(s) (to me, anyway). Still, I'll get it eventually, because I loved it.
  16. I can pretty much guarantee there will be cancellations, so starting the waiting list right from the order list is a wise move.
  17. The Shop is online. Haven't bitten yet, myself, but will. A bit expensive, but looking forward to the longerevity.
  18. 2x:D
  19. Fischer, Tchaikovsky et al, SACD, Pentatone -- heaven
  20. Yeah, sorry about that -- I thought I was splitting the thread, but it appears I flushed the doggy posts. Purely an accident, I have nothing against dogs, just not a dog-owner, myself.
  21. Those of you interested in high-end open phones may also be interested in the 142 or the 242. There's a link under the pic in the original post, and it should be pointed out that there's a claim code for the 10% off, it's not just automatic. When I first read of them, I assumed they were upgrades, but you could be right. Or both.
  22. Well, not so much a misconception so much as not guaranteed to be an upgrade. The AudioEngine is already a pretty damn good value. See here for example.
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