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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. I've never heard a Woo, but I've been following the market, and if I had to buy a tube amp today "blind", that's what I'd buy.
  2. Google "comfy grado"? Are those the same things as what everyone refers to as the "comfy pads"? Someone else would need to confirm.
  3. Koyaanisqatsi soundtrack, complete version Wait, there's a DCC of ELO?
  4. Now that one is black enough for me.
  5. Hiromi was very satisfying. Back to the Schubert Mahler -- this is the arrangement for string orchestra by Mahler of Death and the Maiden, which is very nice.
  6. Jesus. New brakes? What do faulty brakes have to do with your car not being able to go? That should make it go moar fastr.
  7. Team Arcy Sparky's logo before we settled on the name.
  8. Elephant hunting is illegal in most countries, if not internationally. Even if it's assisted suicide. Not that I doubt your abilities, Elephas. You are super cool. Just Spritzer's motives.
  9. Awesome. The DAC manufacturers have your number, Dinny.
  10. I miss him. I hope he's alright. Two of the last things he posted were: that he was sick that he was famous Here's to hoping it's more of the latter than the former.
  11. Yeezh.
  12. Relinquished -- I'm really in the mood for some Hiromi, so I'm putting Another Mind on: I never get tired of this story -- to those of you who aren't musicians, this is pretty much The Dream:
  13. Schubert/Mahler SACD on MD und G -- hey, did you know that the German word for someone who plays the bassoon is "Fagottist"?
  14. Thanks for the honest impressions TheSloth. And really nice succinct definition of "neutral", BTW.
  15. Headphile pads? Those look like Beyers. Although, then they shouldn't fit on a Grado. Please do post your reactions -- I am very curious.
  16. Quit offering blow jobs to fellas?
  17. Russian Ballet Suites on Pentatone SACD
  18. It would probably help if I had all mine in one place. I guess I should have put the word, "stack", in air quotes.
  19. My stack is 3x as big -- I should probably check it for duplicates. Which ones are you missing?
  20. Prokofiev: Lieutenant Kije Suite and Symphony No. 5, Paavo Jarvi & Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, SACD
  21. Are you kidding? >50% of my listening is to pop/rock. If that's any consolation, since no-one takes me seriously. Now I've got Split Enz stuck in my head.
  22. Julia Fischer, Russian Violin Concertos, on SACD Hey, Jacob -- I found that Gil Shaham CD -- you still need it? FLAC?
  23. No, actually, I wasn't. I was talking to the Sandwich.
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