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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. These two statements seem mutually contradictory. If you're going to keep the iTouch for all the data services and apps, I'm thinking you need a dumb phone. Maybe a camera. The point being, most smart phones will require a data plan. Unless what that means to you is, "so the question becomes, what smart phone has the cheapest data plan"?
  2. I really can't.
  3. What a waste of meatloaf.
  4. Dude, hardly anyone does DSD, that's a niche market, and hardly a good representation of the industry. And if you think my statement was an over-reaction, then it's because I made the same mistake you did -- I insufficiently qualified my statement. The way I read it, it sounded like you were saying ProTools was exclusively PC, which it isn't. So I stand by, "incorrect". What annoys me is not the anti-Mac reaction, but the fact that you feel that stating something more loudly makes you moar right -- it doesn't, it just makes you sound moar wrong. I'm sure if my opinion of you went down a notch, others' did, too.
  5. I don't have a Mac. Ha-ha.
  6. Uh, so let me get this straight -- you thought the day would come where you wouldn't be able to listen to them any more, so you pre-empted that day by making it show up earlier?
  7. I'm sure you could get someone to build you one -- the schematics are out there.
  8. You know they'd prefer cash.
  9. That's probably because the guys who use Macs are actually working rather than wasting time posting. And I'm sure by "alternative", Hopstretch meant BeOS.
  10. from Adagio Teas: Sencha Premier (sampler, because I basically only need a flourish per steeping) Assams Melody and Harmony -- 6/8 oz. containers white tea sampler decaf ceylon sampler
  11. Doesn't even play SACD -- pass!
  12. Incorrect. If you're going to correct someone, at least be correct in your correction. It undermines your overall believability if you start posting falsehoods, whether purposefully or otherwise. It may not be the "default" operating system, but it has a very real, non-trivial foothold in the pro industry. Much more so than in muggle-land.
  13. Berlioz, L'enfance du Christ, LSO Live SACD
  14. But if he says "yes" now, then he'll still pass. Have you ever stolen anything from work? Yes. Have you ever lied to your boss? Yes. See? It works.
  15. I really like my glasses case -- something like that except smaller would work. Perhaps a case for reading glasses?
  16. Sunn O))) use Sunn amplification? Who'd-a thunk it. And LOL @ the rug.
  17. Swallow the Sun, Plague of Butterflies -- jesus christ, this is heavy, almost shape of despair heavy, but with a little more variety. I was just stuck in traffic for over an hour, and instead of listening to the whole album once, at the end of the first >30 minute title track, I just started it over. Cannot fucking wait for New Moon.
  18. Aw, dude, you didn't see the daily deal on DeepDiscount? I almost posted that one.
  19. I thought I saw the little Shure case sold separately at audiocubes, but I just looked, it's not there. Must've been somewhere else. I would think that would be perfect.
  20. Brando high-def hard-drive dock thingy
  21. I have one word for you: "gateway". You're past it.
  22. Anyone manage to grab Kindle_src_2.0.3_327610024.tar.gz ? I tried googling and found nothing. I did find 2.0.2. Wanted to look into rewriting it as a second display (not like a CRT display, but perhaps on request, sending a page to it, so that I could use it for reading.
  23. It's not so much "double-plus-quick" as tkam is just that good/efficient, that it seems fast to the naked eye. Like watching a hummingbird flap its wings -- to a human, it's really really fast, but to the hummingbird it's just another day in the life.
  24. Really amp dependent. GSX == good match. Really neutral. Not enough bass for this basshead, but perfectly adequate for most people.
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