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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. That's a typical day for Savage Love (a column I used to read in City Paper).
  2. Oh-ah...er...uh...um... (...means "I love you"...)
  3. "Epitaph One" unaired Dollhouse episode that Joss Whedon did on his own dime -- pretty fucking good, if you ask me. Interesting. Dark. Quite a departure. Depressing. Topher's performance was particularly poignant. I also liked how they thought his area was a day-care center.
  4. Shades of Redd, Freddie Redd Quintet, needledrop Dig! And sounds exquisite, I really need to set up my own needledrop rig.
  5. Happy birthday!
  6. "selective"?
  7. I actually had to think for a minute what 14xl meant.
  8. Just as a bit of background, my sister has been accused of loving these types of animals a bit much.
  9. And difficult to work with, perhaps.
  10. What's it made out of, chainmail?
  11. orange chicken, of the not-so-good breaded variety Oh, well.
  12. Thanks guys, especially for the donation. My sister was out walking her dog Piper yesterday, and they found another one. Puppy, didn't even look like it had been weaned yet (which means its mother was probably killed). Not up on the site yet, I'll post pics later.
  13. Wow, what a weird place to have an in-store.
  14. The DPS is an upgrade external power supply for the BUDA. Someone else will have to respond about the GS-X.
  15. What do the lights do?
  16. Also, distance plays into it as well.
  17. Everyone does -- it's a classic foible. If your partner doesn't, then he's the odd one out. (I have a really hard time with ice cream -- if French vanilla is available, it's an easy preference, but it usually isn't. If it's just chocolate or vanilla, I let other people go first, and then I pick whatever there's more left of. Thank god for swirls.)
  18. I can confirm the HD800 sounds great out of the GSX. I can't confirm but suspect the HD800 would sound just fine out of the BUDA+DPS, so it sounds like one of those non-lose choices (you know, like choosing between two different flavors of ice cream that you like).
  19. :drool: Of course, I don't know what half of these are. What the hell is a CXD9709Q? Yes, I can google, I am doing so...
  20. That's some serious fucking detail on that Ferrari model.
  21. So far: stayed up way too late, slept, made a cup of tea, fed the kitty, not much more.
  22. My sister is overseas in Bulgaria supporting our government and our troops, and in between supporting them, she's doing volunteer work for a dog rescue organization, so I guarantee you this is legit. If you are even remotely considering getting a dog, please do seriously consider her plea and very generous offer. And yes, this is the same sister that is sending me the Bulgarian cat. Contact me for contact information, and I'll either put you in touch with my sister or one of the people who run the center directly.
  23. I don't think that's what he meant by, "well?"
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