This sounds like an unrecabled pair -- am I right?
I don't prefer the K1000 over the O2, but I feel it has a place in my collection, and the O2 does not. The K1000 is so different from every other headphone -- mostly in presentation, but if well driven, it's also one of the better dynamic headphones (it, uh, is dynamic, isn't it?) -- that I just like having one around to listen to once in a while. The O2, the HD800, and pretty much every other headphone out there, even the one with the drivers that are more or less in front of you (one of the older Stax models, I forget which ones, great big horkin' boxes on the ears) don't compare to the K1000. The O2 is downright pedestrian in its presentation -- they're still basically headphones. Not that there's anything wrong with that! (I love my headphones.) But the combination of the wings and the quality just elevate the K1000 to something special.
And good point about the meets -- the meets are a really hard place to listen to K1000's. You basically have to be able to listen to two things at once, and then tune one of them out. Usually the louder one (at the levels I listen to, anyway). Sort of like watching a transparent computer monitor view superimposed on a pair of glasses while walking down a busy street.