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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. I would get one that has two zones and then set the zones of the speaker outs to be separate from the pre outs, and then send a 60 Hz tone on the speaker outs, and then run an air-conditioning unit off the speaker outs.
  2. I would get the starquad, just because it's slightly more expensive, so I wouldn't have to worry about double-thinking my choice later.
  3. gerG on head-fi went even further and did a preamp-less speaker system. He said it was a bit loud. I suggested different amps for different volumes, and he liked the idea. He said he wanted to implement it with huge electric-chair type throw switches. I liked the idea.
  4. "Orly?" is the greatest first name in the entire history of nutcases and their conspiracy theories.
  5. Let's put it this way -- if you have to ask, probably bigger.
  6. Naw, guessing is easy. Guessing right is hard. Me: went to work. Got shanghaied into a meeting I was entirely unprepared for -- made me work a 4 hour day instead of a three hour day, and got even less done. Drove around a lot. For some reason, when UPS tries to ship something to my Merrifield post office box, it gets held in Chantilly. I would have much preferred to have had to have gone to Laurel (my nearest hub). In addition to gas, ended up being pretty costly because I ended up on the toll road on the wrong side of Sterling on the way back. And it was just for that stupid one-handed keyboard. So, driving today: Rockville to Arlington, Arlington to Merrifield to Gaithersburg to Rockville, Rockville to Chantilly to Sterling/Dulles (Wegman's), then back to Rockville. Really nice day to be driving around, can't really say I minded.
  7. I actually do have a CRT, but only one, and they're impossible to find for a reasonable price new, these days. And considering they fade, I wouldn't want to get a used one. EDIT: And as Dan mentioned, I'm not sure they're any better. PS Are there options when buying glasses to have them specially treated, does anyone know? I do need to get yet another prescription (in less than a year, I believe), I'll be asking when I go. I was just curious if anyone had any experience with it, or if it's not worth it.
  8. Anyone have any solutions for the eye fatigue that results from staring at an LCD all day? In the ad from buy.com today, one of the items was a $50 pair of glasses designed for exactly that, that I'm actually seriously considering. Also, there's an overlay that one can put over one's screen. Anyone use any of these things? Are there other options ("go blind" does not count -- I'd rather not) that you prefer?
  9. x2...or so I suppose it is. Please do report back with impressions.
  10. Just gives weight to the old adage, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Hey, the house next to where I live now is for sale. You'd love the location.
  11. "...several thoroughbreds..." -- -- I may have to use that one.
  12. It comes with amps.
  13. Splash Page Blog Archive ‘Oldboy’ Meets ‘Heroes’ In New Milo Ventimiglia Mash-Up Video
  14. I offer one-fiddy ... and a box of crackers.
  15. Heifetz, Sibelius/Prokofiev/Glazunov, RCA Living Stereo SACD
  16. Sherwood, that is one cute dog.
  17. Almost as impressive as Yosemite.
  18. And it's only a 4-way design. They have something smaller called a "mini ultimate", but where's the conspicuous consumption in that? I wonder how it's loaded. Looks to be just open baffle.
  19. No, that was actually pretty good -- sounds like they isolate about as well as the Sony MDR-7506/-V6's.
  20. I fucking hate rainbows.
  21. Yes, please do report on impressions, what amp you use, how well they isolate (which is what I care about more than leakage), pics, and whether or not you still have your wisdom teeth.
  22. Yeah, the more I think about it, that has to be fake. In addition to the comments both here and on YouTube, he should hit the far side of the kiddy pool hard enough to destroy either it or himself. And yes, I mean the Tiddy Bear, not the waterslide jump. The waterslide jump's real, man.
  23. Yeah, really. I mean, I realize that the power supply has a lot to do with how good an amp is, but it's only part of the equation...just substitute a different -- albeit at the same level of quality -- power supply.
  24. Pictures, RCA Living Stereo SACD
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