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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. You're talking about really young kids. I have been surprised by how quickly kids can be taught malice. I've actually turned to the parent, who had obviously coached the kid and said, "you should teach your kids some manners if you want to see them survive past the age of reproduction". He didn't understand the Darwin reference. But I understand your point, which is why I also quoted the safety pin comment, you're right, that one was pure curiosity.
  2. Love that Soundgarden cover.
  3. I have some very fond memories of me and a bunch of other goths invading Chuck E. Cheese's and scaring the little kids shitless. We started doing it Thursday nights, and there was a weird influx and outflux of regulars. The outflux were the over-protective parents without a sense of humor, the influx were people who enjoyed watching us scare the little ones temporarily, and then the little ones would get over it and come up to us and ask stupid question like "why do you have a safety pin there?" and my personal favorite, "why do you dress like a girl?" I'll never have kids.
  4. That first square says "Porn", not "Pow".
  5. GranniesInBondage.ru
  6. Heifetz, Sibelius/Prokofiev/Glazunov, RCA Living Stereo SACD Returning to this. Jesus Christ he was good.
  7. No, not yet, but they're wishlisted (I'm a closed headphone freak)...thanks for the initial impressions.
  8. That's why I always mute my porn. EDIT: No, wait, that's not why...
  9. Amazon.com: R/C Cyborg Shark - Red by Swimways: Toys & Games and two of these: Amazon.com: AirForce LS-1 Laser, Waterproof & Shockproof: Sports & Outdoors
  10. Chopin Ballades & Scherzos, RCA Living Stereo SACD
  11. :drool:
  12. Good to hear, thanks for reporting back.
  13. I hadn't heard of it, so thought it was notable.
  14. "We weren't really adding any fees." Uh, yes you were. I hate paypal. Still use it, but fucking hate it. I keep forgetting that I hate it, and go back to using it, and then something like this comes up. Doesn't really affect me, but just reminds me how much I hate it. There are plenty of other options. Western Union has a "send money with a credit card service"; you can always send a check or money order; there are escrow services (wherein both parties send money and merchandise to a trusted, disinterested third party, and after they receive both and payment for their services, they send both to their respective recipients).
  15. I thought it said "Dahnnyi's Olymato".
  16. Page 23 -- DT770 Premium and DT880 Premium (!); and what is that on the MMX 300 headset, carbon fiber? Page 24 -- Beyer made an amp...and color swatches for headphones?
  17. I don't use 'em. Hirsch does. His gear usually sounds better than mine.
  18. My condolences to both of you.
  19. Even though I suspect this was not sarcasm, my opinion of you just went up a notch. Despite the pervasive "opinion" of him over there, you still have managed to make your mind up on your own -- keep it up! Oh, and if it was sarcasm, very diplomatically stated. So either way, win.
  20. Thanks guzziguy and aerius, this is good advice, and I am going to take it. Honestly, I didn't even think that it might be something else. And I actually will be trying the eye yoga thing, too. Seriously.
  21. Lee Fields and the Expressions, My World If you dig that retro soul sound of Isaac Hayes, Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings, et al, then definitely check this out: Amazon.com: My World: Lee Fields & The Expressions: Music
  22. Also, I'm surprised no-one has mentioned Outlaw -- they seem one of the few that are still making pre/pros these days (Yamaha doesn't appear to, Integra..., Onkyo...) -- model numbers are 970, 990, and the upcoming 997 -- especially considering your criteria that you will only mostly be using it for older tech, you could get one of the two extant units. I know that's what I'd get if I was buying new today.
  23. I have a stupid -- albeit serious this time -- question: why do you want a pre/pro? What functionality will the pre/pro provide that the Oppo will not? It's got a USB connection, which, if I'm not mistaken, will allow you to play your hard drive files. It plays every shiny disk under the sun, so there's that...
  24. By all means, do not let that stop you from ever getting to hear him speak. He is as disarmingly charming and interesting and entertaining in person as he is on paper. All I could basically get out was, "thank you for writing", but I was towards the end of the line, so that's about all he probably really wanted to hear at that point. (Personal signed copies of Anansi Boys and ...er... something else, I forget.)
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