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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Ravel: Bolero etc. RCA Living Stereo SACD
  2. Follow some of the deal sites like todaysdod.com and dealsucker.com.
  3. So putting off buying the house for a month or two?
  4. I sat through a 3 hour meeting that should have taken 9. I love these guys. Re: smell -- probably just outgassing with no place to go. Try just leaving it open for a while. Al, someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but that's very good news. Bones heal, tendons don't heal "well" (once you overextend them, they never completely unstretch, for example -- that's why a sprain is in some ways worse than a break). Of course, that might have been a doctor trying to allay my fears about something in my distant past, so wouldn't mind knowing if this is actually true.
  5. This is where I am, pretty much. That and the "Microsoft" anti-branding (I.E. I've been brainwashed into hating Microsoft).
  6. Sherpa dudes
  7. Eurythmics, Touch Dance -- found it during The Great Reorganization, apparently I already had the CD.
  8. No, because you have to really want one if you're in California, because you're eventually going to drop into the ocean.
  9. Todd has a way of picking them. The Dragon was a pretty great amp, too.
  10. Nixie Clock? With downward facing tubes for the dots in the colons? (I.E. pointing straight at you.) Serious answer to the side question -- I saw KG criticizing Mikhail's choice of tube sockets and recommend replacing them with ceramics enough times that I googled researched the topic a little bit and found this site. The thing that I found most eyebrow-raising was the water-absorption of ceramic, wouldn't mind knowing if that's malarkey or not (they are, after all, trying to sell their own choice of materials). I have to admit to noticing my ceramic sockets getting soggy over the course of decades. Oh, wait a minute, no, that never happened. another link google for yourself
  11. Inasmuch as it is a two-way speaker...mmmmaybe. (I'd have to hear the Wharfedale again.) Why don't you get them both and tell us. The real magic is in the midrange, the crossover is extremely well done (in the Quad) -- practically transparent.
  12. Orange juice Tea (green, sleepytime, tension tamer) Burgers Grenadine Holy Basil(!) 5-HTP chips
  13. iPod 160GB for $90 ($50 + $40 membership) (only two, and I have no way of checking to see if they're still there without joining).
  14. The Darkvoice had real synergy with the K701 the one time I heard them together.
  15. For some reason, I'm having zero problem reading this thread and falling under the spell. Perhaps it's the sinus/ear infection I'm mostly over (I would still be able to listen to headphones and earspeakers, but not IEM's, under those conditions). Or perhaps it's because I don't like cocaine.
  16. "Devil's Bonnet, si vous plais, okay/thanks/bye." is what I get out of my babelfish. (taps ear twice)
  17. Need. Want. Will. Me: Berlioz Requiem Munch RCA Living Stereo SACD
  18. Tetsu Inoue, Inland -- Fax ambient, not RCA, not living, stereo, not SACD
  19. The original enabler! Happy Birthday!
  20. They are touring. myspace link Go. That is all.
  21. I can always get seat covers.
  22. The beautiful source material doesn't hurt.
  23. Epic Epidemic Viral marketing
  24. Really great wildlife pics!
  25. You really do take some of the loveliest pics.
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