Arrangement? It was originally written for the piano.
It is easily my favorite piano piece (or, more correctly, "suite of pieces") of all time.
Her rendition is quite good so far (I've gotten just past the Old Castle), if you want a cheap entry point into the solo piano version. EDIT: Oh jesus, I just got to the Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks/Ballet of the Chicks in their Shells, this version is wonderful. EDIT #2: Okay, she doesn't do a perfect job of keeping time, but it's still quite good, and it's a modern recording so there's that.
Nothing will ever match the power and pomp of a full orchestra, Ravel really did a wonderful job on that, so you kind of have to get past that to appreciate the piano version. I'm a pianist, so it wasn't difficult for me at all (to get past that as a listener). It certainly helps that I'm predisposed towards loving the sound of solo piano. That said, this has probably more dynamic range than any other piano piece I know.
I also have to admit to having "grown up" with the Philips silver line version, which has both versions on one CD.
I've actually been tempted to learn it, myself.