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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. I love Katatonia, they have quite a few what I would consider perfect songs. Too many to list, a few that come to mind: King Crimson, "Starless" -- even the slightly sour notes hit by John Wetton (vocals), all the way to the slow progression of one-note solos, then a two-note solos, then autobahn speeds... Talk Talk, "The Party's Over" -- starts off slowly, not even hinting at the epic build-up, and this is synthpop? Joseph Arthur, "All Of Our Hands" -- just sublime for a protest song David Gilmour, "There's No Way Out Of Here" Peace Love & Pitbulls, "Youth" -- yeah, it's industrial, but for some reason, my CD player keeps going back to the beginning of this track every time it gets towards the end Rotersand, "Exterminate Annihilate Destroy" Gary Numan, "Absolution" Curve, "Unreadable Communication" -- auralgasm starting at about 2:19 Slowdive, "Catch the Breeze" New Model Army, "Lullaby" Portishead, "Roads"
  2. Rachel Podger, Vivaldi: La Stravaganza, SACD
  3. I have a theory: sibilance == one particular high frequency range being exaggerated; entire high frequency range being exaggerated == Sony MDR-7506/-V6.
  4. As has already been established, because I am a compleat geek-nerd I remember that episode of Star Trek.
  5. Does everything except HDCD, for $42 I wouldn't complain.
  6. I only have the SACD version, so yes.
  7. HD650 + beach == wind noise, I wouldn't recommend it. Get a DT770.
  8. Happy Birthday, Ian!
  9. And then get banned again for whining about not having enough to read.
  10. Scheherazade, RCA Living Stereo SACD No, but it's probably similar. It may not be the most modern transfer, so that wouldn't necessarily be my first choice for you. The Mercury Living Presence (Byron Janis) would definitely be a good one.
  11. That's fascinating. I'll read the article completely later, but just from skimming it, it looks like she was looking for correlation? I'd be interested if some sort of function could be gleaned (e.g. "human ( input ) == output" ). I suspect that might also be a function of individuals, as well. Less evolved individuals might only be derivative functions, whereas us musicians would be complex, and hippies might have a mix of real and imaginary.
  12. Joe Henry, Blood from Stars in a little bit.
  13. I was going to ask how you could tell he slows down, it wasn't obvious to me until the overhead shot. That first replay they showed was actually the film slowing down (or digitally...whatever).
  14. Chop't Jamaican Jerk Chicken salad sandwich
  15. That's a girl.
  16. Dvorak's New World Symphony and other orchestral masterworks, RCA Living Stereo SACD
  17. Well, I can't imagine that if you're a hippy with a giant rastafarian cock, what camera angles you could use that wouldn't make teaching yoga to children anything other than creepy. He's probably innocent except of being a hippy. Besides, look, he can blow himself, what does he need children for? All he needs are spotters, and the cow and cock can do that. Those hugs seemed sincere and innocent. Certainly wouldn't hurt to install some spycams, though.
  18. I'm thinking you should probably hear either the Byron Janis version or one of the Vladimiar Ashkenazy performances. I have yet to hear the Kempf myself, but it's widely praised. EDIT: The version on the Philips Silver Line version was played by Alfred Brendel, so I'd recommend that one, too.
  19. I am fortunate enough to know several people who have integrated cats before, so have received some good advice. My cat #1 (Luvbug) is ...uh... ornery, to say the least. She still hisses every time she sees Missy (the house owner's cat). They have come to a decent truce of sorts in that one stays on one floor mostly, the other on the other mostly. We think we've found scabs on both of them, but there hasn't been enough bloodshed or tufts of fur to be sure of any out-and-out battles. The recommended methodology is to keep them in separate rooms for two weeks -- they'll smell each other through the door. Then introduce them in controlled circumstances (hold one, bring it into the room with the other, and vice versa). I'll see if I can dig up the email and quote it. The thing that's going to be difficult is that this little guy is only about 7 weeks old, and Luvbug is 14. As in, years; as in, a senior citizen. He's going to want to play; she's not. So yeah, there'll be blood, I'm sure. Probably mine. The other thing is, the little guy is a people climber, so if I'm holding Luvbug and bring her into the room with me, and he starts to climb me, she might try to kill me via acupuncture. I have a feeling that one will be a two person job.
  20. Plus, it rhymes.
  21. No, but I'll be following this thread with interest. I'd offer to help, but (a) I've got another project I should probably devote some time to first, and ( if I had my way, it'd be ultra-minimalist -- I.E. command-line input, zero text output. No curses, no nuthin'. In fact, all it'd be able to do is play files, and everything else would have to be done in scripts, cron, find, etc.
  22. Okay, he's a keeper, I don't care whether or not my other cat accepts him or not. He was playing with a toy, and I snickered. He looked up, ran towards me, and leapt into my lap. I'm smitten. He's like a little ninja of love.
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