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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Awesome pics, Nate. Send them to Monsieur Samich, he can do it. Chris -- I hope you don't mind me volunteering you, but I'd really like to see this. Mother Nature is my favorite artist, and lightning is one of my favorite of her works of art.
  2. I think he meant "change in number", delta, not absolute. He not that smart, though -- cf that "different story" sentence 3 posts up.
  3. ...sounds like someone used your ear for a bowl of Rice Krispies.
  4. You know, just about every color has a problem with it: red -- more likely to be pulled over by police grey/silver/light blue/gray -- same color as sky, depending on day, so therefore harder to see if not paying attention (again, the live-in-DC aspect making this more important than it would others) solid white -- same as your black problem etc. So I'm thinking...plaid.
  5. Don't laugh, I've never had a black car (summers in DC -- although Dan has pretty much convinced me that it doesn't make enough of a difference to avoid them, as I have been, and my ex currently has an off-black car, and it isn't bothering her), but yes, probably black. This is true. My housemate and her sister both have VW's, so I now know "how to buy" a VW -- you make sure you take it in for every little problem, and if they can't fix a problem after three tries, you declare lemon law and force them to give you a replacement. Once you get a good one, you stick with it. They haven't had to do that, though (her sister bought a new one recently). I will admit to being hesitant about that -- I'm the kind of guy who hates taking cars to the dealership, and prefer independent mechanics (I usually go out of my way to find one I can trust). But the A1 is so cool...
  6. Jesus, that's a lot of bread.
  7. Using what system? I've seen a really good Faroudja into a CRT projector, and DVD res vs. high-res was almost indiscernible. The two places where I could tell the difference were: (1) direct-to-highdef, such as sports desk on CNN and late night with Jay Leno (yes, this was back then), and (2) CGI (Finding Nemo). Then switching to a DLP projector, the differences became a little more visible (we compared Final Cut of Blade Runner DVD vs. Blu-Ray -- so the same exact transfer) -- it was visible, but not intolerable. That was with an inferior upscaler and using the PS3 as a transport. I have a feeling a really good player and a really good upscaler will bring them much closer together. (For reference, the DLP was much clearer than the CRT, but the CRT had warmer tones.)
  8. Oh. :|
  9. And even then, not in public. I'm just not a PDA kind of guy.
  10. No, it's pretty much after the fact -- I can feel the build-up of wax, and can predict that when I finally use a Q-tip, it will be "productive". And I hardly use IEM's, so I doubt it's that, either. I'll try to monitor myself more closely, see if there's something else going on -- maybe when my allergies are exacerbated, my ears itch, and I itch them, or something like that. Or perhaps it's the dusty environment.
  11. Sweet. My next car is going to be an A1.
  12. You bought an Audi?
  13. Okay, that was awesome. Thanks, man.
  14. Licking isn't oil and contains digestive enzymes -- you sure that's a good idea? From what little I could glean from google, I'm not sure if it's "drying out" and becoming brittle, or impurities in the foam are rusting. Wouldn't mind knowing the science behind it, seriously. Thanks to all the crap addicts for providing zero to no useful information.
  15. I didn't do nuthin'.
  16. We need horn-based headphones.
  17. No, I think it's still wax, but the ear discharge seems to increase when I'm particularly suffering from allergies, I.E. nasal discharge. In other words, the two seem to go hand in hand, when one increases, so does the other, etc. Does that make sense, medically? PS I just cleaned my ears with a q-tip.
  18. (whimper) I'm having some leftover Chinese.
  19. When I have a sinus infection, it'll get that dirty in less than a day. Although I'm not sure what you mean by "that dirty" -- it has more to do with consistency than anything else.
  20. So fondling it and depositing my juices on it actually is the answer? Yeezh.
  21. Hi-Fi Fiedler, RCA Living Stereo SACD
  22. Killing people doesn't do much for his bottom line.
  23. That only helps the Grado drivers, though, not the screens nor the impact foam used in carrying cases. Unless you regularly fondle the foam in your carrying cases. Which I don't.
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