JM Lab? (Note misspelling -- when searching, I tend to try all of: Focal, Jmlab, jm lab, jmlabs, jm labs.)
I haven't heard those specific speakers, but I'm a big fan of the company, they have stuff in pretty much every price bracket that's a darn good value (well, I wouldn't call the Utopia line "a good value", but...whatever). See also: Dali. And the Quad L & L2 lines. Also Dynaudio, and they have active speakers used for studio stuff.
I would try to get a local dealer so that you can hear them -- buying speakers is an extremely subjective and personal decision. Specifically, I loved my little Spendors, but they didn't go loud well. I don't usually listen loud, but for those few occasions when I do, I would like my speakers to be able to hold up (the Spendors got compressed and distorted -- really only good for nearfield listening, but that was this specific model).