It's all spelled out pretty clearly on the previous page: he says somewhere else that it's going to be expensive (he actually does the numbers, it's in the US$K's), so if you're worried about price, don't bother, no tirekickers, etc. I.E. do not take advantage of his generosity. The part about the knobs is a joke, but the other parts aren't.
so...-100 pts. reading comprehension
E-mu systems has something...yeah, the 0202;
I don't think M-Audio go that high, they're a bit behind the times, IIRC;
Grace Design Lunatec V3? MOTU? Tascam? Yamaha? Alesis? Apogee?
I mean, basically, look through here, here, and here.
I think this is my favorite one: Translation: Yes, I have an entire site devoted to exactly what you're criticizing in wild sweeping statements, so much so that I am dumbfounded.
Stretch, how did you let me get away with this?
Ultravox, "Vienna", "Sleepwalk", "Lament", many others.
Clan of Xymox, "A Day", "Stranger"
New Order, "Sunrise", "Age of Consent"