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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. "...twain..."
  2. I am myopic on the topic.
  3. Jacob didn't believe in gred until it was proven that gred existed? Which is funny, because gred believes in Jacob.
  4. Why doesn't he just gouge this one in the eye (and steer it to shore)? Yeah yeah, I know, where's the fun in that?
  5. Is that going to receive the bonsai tree treatment? ("Cut away anything that doesn't look like a bonsai tree.")
  6. You see what you want to see, you crazy cat lover, you.
  7. Someone (Icarium?) was talking about a Gorilla tripod. Saw this, looks similar. Not sure if you must have the Gorilla, so I posted it here.
  8. I'm going to get mine flesh-colored, and the graphics are going to be grey random curly lines. Camo FTW!
  9. Well, no, that's what innoculations do -- they strengthen your immune systems, by forcing it to develop antibodies to that particular strain -- the innoculation isn't what protects you, your immune system is. But yeah, anti-bacterial soap is a joke.
  10. Fucking imps. I don't think it was a mismatch, but rather that you had imps in your signal path at all.
  11. Gred?
  12. They don't look the same.
  13. That's a great shot.
  14. Well, no, not really. The regular flu shots that get made up every year are basically wild-ass guesses as to what the next big strain of flu that you're going to be exposed to is, and an innoculation against it. That one year (2008? 2007? I forget) where the flu shots didn't work? They guessed wrong, that's all. So flu shots are always special shots for specific variants, not ridiculous at all. The H1N1 is something that's already in circulation, so it's less of a guess than others, I don't see why anyone would have any problem with getting innoculated against it, any more than any other innoculation. (My sister doesn't want my aged and weak mom [thanks Brent] to get it, but not because it's ridiculous, but because she's against most all flu shots.) Feel free to double-check this with your nurse neighbor.
  15. I was trying to channel The Sammich.
  16. Again, this album fucking rocks my socks and boxers, even the missing ones. "Black Light Machine" is pure awesome. I love it when you can actually hear someone having fun making music.
  17. I don't get it.
  18. Well, I gave him his second pill today -- wasn't too bad...was a little bit worse than the first time (he only broke the skin in four or five places, and I immediately cleaned them with hydrogen peroxide), but I think I'll try the pill pockets next time. He's definitely grown -- he didn't have any problem swallowing this one, so if his gullet is larger, then he must be larger overall. Oh, and I discovered yet another form of amusement -- I fold back his ears and wait for them to pop back into place.
  19. Pffft. [king leonidas]This. Is. HEAD-CASE![/king leonidas]
  20. Oatmeal is yummy. That chicken looks good, too, and I just et. (Chevy's chicken jack fajita burrito -- which was great, but the service was lousy...I was going to get some fried ice cream for desert [they just {re?}introduced it, and I've been having a hankering for it for months, but couldn't find any place that still served it] -- but the guy left me floundering, so I tipped him 10% to the penny -- $1.47 -- hope that hurts, douchebag, tried to get your attention like 6 times, but it wasn't until I got up and started walking that you stopped studiously ignoring me! Fuckhead.) Yeah, I know, I'm a whiney brat, but I actually went in there in a really good mood, looking forward to some fried ice cream.
  21. It gets better.
  22. You know, I saw a video interview with her, and in the entire video, she looked airbrushed -- would they really do that (outside of a Playboy shoot), or does she really look that way in real life (albeit, made up)?
  23. "Simple Minds, est. 1977" -- that's cute
  24. I did not know that. So most all coaxial cable connections everywhere are wrong?
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