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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. "The Trap" is perfect. Yeah yeah, I know, not to everyone, but it is to me. What about "Taurus II"?
  2. Perfect for the closing credits of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, that is.
  3. Disagree -- you never get used to artifacts that are exclusive to the recorded domain, because you always have the real world to compare it to. Fatiguing is fatiguing, and it'll still be fatiguing to anyone whose love of music isn't strong enough to overcome such distortions (which is most everyone).
  4. The Gathering, The West Pole & City from Above EP
  5. New? Notice: 100 units only. Linky go here.
  6. Hirmoi, Time Control, SACD
  7. I worked on a similar system...about 23 years ago -- fundamentally the same concept (multiple computers controlling multiple screens). Differences -- wasn't high-def, no networking capability, was significantly more expensive. I think I re-wrote the clock interrupt, that's about as far as I got.
  8. Fool Head. Off.
  9. Sieve King? Sieve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Yup, that's what I thought it meant. Odd name for a company that doesn't make sieves...OR DO THEY?!?!? Or maybe "sievek" is a verb in another language, and they are in the process of sieveking...
  10. You need moar jazz.
  11. Do you like jazz?
  12. Yeah, I like the fluorescent lemon-lime on black look, but I've never heard of Helix -- quality?
  13. Haaappppppyyyyyy Bbbbbbbiiiiiiirrrrrrththththththddddddaaaaayyyyyyy!!!!11!
  14. (a) works just fine. ( It's not worth being embarrassed about.
  15. Well, no, not really. The "oh dear" was more towards that you've never heard anything better than a VC5200. If you love the vc5200, then you're going to LOVE higher end gear when you get to hear it. Damnit, I want a fancier font.
  16. You don't have to take it apart, just take the cover off, take some pictures, post them, and we'll help you figure out which ones the DAC chips are (unless it's as Looser101 says, which, considering it's an entry level player, is likely). So the Pico DAC is the fist upgrade DAC you'll have ever heard? Oh, dear... PS Welcome to Head-Case, sorry about your thin skin &c.
  17. I'll second the Bryston as a good recommendation. Prat and detail, a combination I haven't heard too much together, on top of my classic foundation of overall tonal correctness (more or less).
  18. Do you still have it? Pop it open and take a look. Post pics plz &c.
  19. You should try listening to better music.
  20. This I gotta hear (please) -- Fischer? Marantz (Marantz would make a great cat name -- they can almost pronounce it themselves)?
  21. I wasn't getting that before (now I am).
  22. You could put that head on a dollar bill, it looks so regal. I like that shot, too.
  23. I didn't read it that way at all -- I just read it as them trying to advertise the player's features -- so what?
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