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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. We are in agreement, then. Gatto -- Jesus Christ, that sounds a little too much like...I have no idea, I'll have to admit to never having heard of anything remotely like that before...
  2. Nope, when it's annoying, it's pretty annoying if you're not one of the drunks, too. (Not to say that I always disapprove of public drunkenness -- if it gets you on Cops, have at. I needs me my entertainment.)
  3. Who do you think told me that?
  4. Oh, I don't believe they are actually boring -- I was just recaptioning the pic, and that in reality you probably just ran out of Dew.
  5. Nope, definitely not worth your time, but then again, you have much more discerning tastes than the average bear.
  6. Au contraire, mon frere -- I don't post when I'm eating an actual sit-down meal. If we had a "what are you digesting" thread, I'd have posted many times this week that I had a Marsala-marinated boneless chicken breast with a little bit of rosemary grilled for ~3 minutes on a George Foreman grill. Man I love chicken.[leeloo]chicken gut[/leeloo] Just now, I had a sesame bagel with McCutcheon's Cherry preserves. McCutcheon's is teh awsum.
  7. You should at least check out the artists, they're not all bad. I say there choice for #1 is pretty brave, but not indicative of the quality of the rest of the list. I mean, c'mon, who here (besides me) doesn't love U2?
  8. Quoted for emphasis -- that was meant to be a question, I.E. what is your budget? Also, what is it you're trying to record? And yes, at this point, there is no reason not to go flash-based. MiniDisc was a good budget entry point at the time, but nowadays, flash memory is cheap, and therefore so are the recorders. There exists a portable DSD recorder -- I intend to have on in my stable before I'm done. I'm guessing (entirely) that this will be one of the better sounding ones. Also, whether or not you intend to record anything beyond stereo is important (there are a couple that can do 4 channels). Also: H4N advertises itself as doing USB 2.0 -- which implies that there are others besides the H2 and original H4 that don't -- just make sure you check.
  9. And here I thought luvdunhill was kidding -- thanks for taking the time to explain it to me.
  10. I'm picturing him molding the heatsinks out of wax -- -- but seriously, I know that's not right: 1 - what would he use for heat sources? He's not going to waste real components on that. 2 - it wouldn't work anyway -- they'd melt starting at the heat sources, rather than at the fins. So seriously -- what is he doing -- does he already have the heatsinks molded, and he's putting a wax film on it to make sure the heat is getting dissipated evenly?
  11. 2 containers of pineapple chunks (probably my second favorite vegetable after bananas) Olive Oil Cat food 1 cold Orange Crush (for the road, y'know) 3 boxes cereal (Weggy brand faux-Mini-Wheats) Shit, I forgot the OJ!
  12. Colin: "R10s are teh boareeng!!!"
  13. I'll second Depeche Mode -- synthpop sounds truly delish on DSD.
  14. Focal -- something in the Electra Be or Utopia lines. AudiogoN ForSale: Focal Jm Lab Micro Utopia Be (w/a sub, obviously) -or- AudiogoN ForSale: Focal Jm Labs Electra 1027Be etc.: AudiogoN Search: focal
  15. How do you test heatsinks on a hunka wax?
  16. It's not entirely crap -- I have to admit to not "getting" hip-hop, so a good 25-50% is lost on me, but there's some really good stuff on there. My girl Kylie is in the top 10. And it's definitely slanted towards "that" side of the pond.
  17. The Apple TV has digital out, so you can use it with your DACses. Is $189 considered cheap, when the non-refurb is just going to be $40 more? And that's not on sale? I think I'll wait and see if they ever go on sale (I never thought I'd see iPods on sale, but I've seen 'em at both amazon and newegg -- rare, admittedly, but I have seen them).
  18. McAuley Culkin has not aged well in that picture.
  19. Well, that would be another reason to (re)learn Russian -- the first being I'd like to read other works by Sergei Lukyanyenko besides the -Watch trilogy.
  20. I think it might have been Memoirs Found in a Bathtub.
  21. I'll have to play with that. I need to get smart on smart playlists -- that's the only thing I can play in my car unless I get a modded cable, and I find the challenge fun (for those who care: it's attached to the multi-CD player input on the back of my head unit, and the playlists whose names are clarion1, clarion2, clarion3, clarion4, and clarion5 translate to CD's 2-6 [1 is always the "all tracks" option]). Unrelated: Apple TV price drop and anticipated update
  22. I have to admit that it was long enough ago that I don't even remember the title. I'll look through some covers to see if I can figure out which one it was. I didn't even finish it. I suspect your "crap translation" theory is probably the culprit. I'll give him another chance. Thanks for speaking up.
  23. It's a logical extrapolation from the available facts.
  24. Fucking gamers.
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