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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. What, politeness and courtesy? I believe we all know that your itchy ban-finger (and shovel-hands, for that matter) is psychosomatic, Dexter.
  2. Target market: leprachauns and unicorns? Wow, we've come a long way -- I remember when photonic switching was still a research area, and that was only the 90's.
  3. Pete Namlook & Klaus Schulze, The Dark Side of the Moog XI -- moar electro ambient
  4. New toy -- chinese make-linux-able touch-screen computer for ~$150: link.
  5. I would -- I mean, I agree with your point about looks -- the only person that should really care is the wearer -- but like everything else in life, sometimes it's fun to get others' opinions. I would never have known about Invicta and Fossil and Nixon had I not asked a similar question previously.
  6. LOL @ "...damping factor of one week..."
  7. Skagen is on my list, and I got one or two for my housemate as presents, and she loves them. I've been told several times that I have good taste in watches by her friends.
  8. Mahler 4, RCA Living Stereo SACD
  9. Nice pics -- there sure are a lot of seals there.
  10. AKG K271 Mk II? Or just stick with the Denons.
  11. You bought a dragon?
  12. Alas, no, but the review I read of it seemed so accurate that I feel I have -- basically, it said that because the virtual needle is so accurate, that it almost seems to exacerbate every single speck of dust and blemish on the record. I.E. the classic "too revealing" review -- still would like to hear one, myself, having heard really well-cleaned vinyl.
  13. Strauss, Scenes from Salome and Electra, RCA Living Stereo SACD
  14. Samich is the gateway drug to alcohol!!!1!
  15. QFT.
  16. They should all calibrate their monitors the same.
  17. I suspect it was inspired by El-P.
  18. Hooray for the simple solution.
  19. not good enough, needs the full animated
  20. Pete Namlook, Namlook XXI: Subconscious Worlds -- electro ambient
  21. Win.
  22. Yes, I broke my own rule.
  23. I thought I heard too much iron makes your hair thin.
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