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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Rasputina? Not instrumental, though, and only one cellist (I think), but it is front and center. I mean, the short answer is no, not really, there aren't any other bands that (a) consist entirely of cellists, and ( rock/rawk.
  2. I especially enjoyed "Pf".
  3. The more I think about this, the more I have to believe he's got to be kidding. Please. Be kidding. (clasps hands together, gazes skywards...beatifically...)
  4. T-1 day!
  5. The problem with I2S is that it's still transmitting the clock (as opposed to async, where you'll see [or infer, in the case of a 2-way protocol such as USB or firewire] a clock input on the transport), so if that clock is still jittery, then the signal will still be jittery. At least, that's my understanding. Colin or anyone else, please feel free to step in and correct me.
  6. +
  7. Chuck Norris leaned against a wall. The wall answered all his questions, as well as giving him all the dough it owed him.
  8. Chopin Piano Concertos, RCA Living Stereo SACD
  9. It's like playing Where's Waldo?
  10. x2 for trying, but for me it's still Genesis.
  11. Happy Happy!
  12. Thanks, now I have Genesis stuck in my head.
  13. Good luck with that business plan.
  14. Lies. If you buy a dollar sandwich from McDonald's, do you really think you could turn around and sell it to someone else for a dollar? No, you'd have to give a discount, to compete with McDonald's.
  15. Lurch: Uhhhhhhhhh... (walks away, shaking head)
  16. Resistance was, indeed, futile. Colors needed to have been reversed, though.
  17. Why are the silver ones unlabeled?
  18. Paradise Lost, Faith Divides Us -- Death Unites Us -- metal, sung cleanly, me love.
  19. It's essentially light-pipe -- why not?
  20. Happy Birthday!
  21. Another Year of Hi-Fi News.
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