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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Well that escalated quickly. Happy birthday, Ari! (party favour noise)
  2. What are those bulbous things, I don’t recognize them. 13q69?
  3. Remove back Take form Smelt Reform Profit
  4. "Prog From Home" online festival
  5. Mosquitoes! We have a freeze warning overnight.
  6. You’re not supposed to like that.
  7. Listened to this like 3 times today -- modern prog: http://progstreaming.nl/pages/play-album.php?activeAlbum=2020-05-03-01 - My Arrival - Satur9 and Indigo
  8. Smokemaster http://progstreaming.nl/pages/play-album.php?activeAlbum=2020-05-06-04 - Smokemaster - Smokemaster This is actually more typical of SMoD than prog, but medigs either way.
  9. Happy culmination of your birthweek, Shelly! (party favour noise)
  10. Salmon tikka masala with black rice. Used the stove top directions for the rice, came out a little ahead of schedule. Removed from stovetop, covered. Now, everything is ready and salmon came out perfect. Again.
  11. New Hazy Sea! (Instrumental Rock) https://hazysea.bandcamp.com/album/coast-of-the-immortals
  12. Salmon Vindaloo with black rice (on purple plate) from a jar, so...yes, basically the Manwich(tm) of Vindaloos
  13. Nice!
  14. You actually own that? Nice. Dig that baffle.
  15. Posted on the “Exploring Virginia” Facebook group.
  16. A big enough lightning strike can always span an air gap. Otherwise that technology already exists. Craig, yeah, that’s exactly what I meant by “something like that” — hacking the power supply chain (or designing the system) to eliminate the need for AC.
  17. I’ve always wanted something like that. Pure DC power.
  18. Fleabag—fucking genius. I realize it’s a gimmick, but ( a ) it’s a fucking genius gimmick, and ( b ) she does it so well. She’s already throwing in nonverbals in the first episode. Nonverbals are the best! I am rapt. One of those few shows that require both watching and listening attentively.
  19. Cheers, Dan. Uncertain times require more certainty, understood. Hoping you find a way to make this work for you in the long term.
  20. Dusty Chalk


    Season two was so, ‘meh’ that I only remember one scene. Season one was The Best Show Ever! Haven’t even started season 3.
  21. Love Grimes, she weird. That is all.
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