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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Actually, my box was empty. I suspect it was something later, like 498 or 499, though -- I was definitely in the last batch, so somewhere in there.
  2. Mike Oldfield, Tubular Bells, the 2009 remaster -- BLISS!
  3. Ditto on the Neil Finn/7 Worlds Collide -- thanks for mentioning it. Been listening to a lot of Voivod in the car, forgot how much I loved (most of) their stuff.
  4. Indeed. Uh...where is it supposed to be autographed? I have mine autographed on the COA, but was expecting it on the actual album cover somewhere. Not that it matters, just curious.
  5. In my defense, I was "making fun", not "complaining". Yes, windy city is windy. And snowy and cold. But I also have many fond memories of the area (mostly Evanston).
  6. Whatever happened to OLED technology, wasn't that supposed to take over LCD's? PS Both, really cool.
  7. Stokowski Rhapsodies RCA Living Stereo SACD
  8. Namlook & Move D - Traveling the Silk Route -- electro-ambient
  9. Not so much bought as finally received -- my Mike Oldfield super supreme extra speciale dition Tubular Bells box set -- gorgeous packaging.
  10. And you had to walk to school! Back before I got married, my ex and I went to Illinois to meet some relatives (some of hers, some of mine). Took her to the Sears Tower, because she had never been. The visibility that day? Zero. We went up anyway. It was really a couple feet, but all you could see was an endless morass of swirling snow in every direction. Kind of eery, when you thought about the fact that it really did keep going, just like it looked like it did. But just like the optical illusion -- is the girl twirling clockwise or counterclockwise -- we could just as easily have been in a box in a box, like a huge knick-knack.
  11. The 840? Not the 240 or the 440? Zzounds has it for $199.99, and they're usually a pretty good indicator of the price to beat.
  12. That's some nice detail. And $25 is an amazing price for that level of detail, but...you sure you want to be working with fiberglass? You might want to talk to them about making a custom one with holes in the ears, or ask them if they already have one.
  13. I expected this to be about luggage.
  14. I can't think of a more radical switch -- and while a teenager! (presumably) -- that musta been depressing.
  15. Uuuhhh...not so much out as I had a chance to hear it. I'll definitely be buying it once it comes out. Now we just need a new Stolen Babies, and I'll be one seriously happy boy.
  16. Coming? It's already occured, and both parties survived, alas. Did you keep any of those spiders, morphsi? We could use a "Them"-type apocalypse.
  17. My dad was always a big proponent of having the right tools for the job.
  18. I keep all mine turned off.
  19. new Diablo Swing Orchestra
  20. I think the point about buying the Pico DAC from the dealer is that you're not going to find that good a deal used, hence buy it from the merchant. So I'd do it the other way around -- buy the DAC, then watch the used market for the amp while you save up a little. Or, if you're happy with the price of one of the used ones that others have pointed out, then go ahead and buy that one, and then save up for the DAC, and you can see for yourself if it comes up on the used market while you're saving up by monitoring the used FS pages. That's up to the seller.
  21. Ah, brings back memories. Me: Excuse me. Chick: Yes? Me: I couldn't help over-hearing -- you have a very nice voice. Chick: Thank you. Me: I actually like to take recordings, do you mind if I record your voice? Chick: Um... Me: Please? Chick: I wouldn't know what to say. Me: Oh, I'm a minimalist, I'd be perfectly happy with just one word, repeated. Perhaps the word, 'yes'? ... So...how about some Scottish chicks? Or, in lieu of that, how about the shore?
  22. Actually, that's not what I meant. That picture you posted is in your email, so we can't see it. Feel free to add it as an attachment.
  23. Is that like "will it blend", except instead of blending it into useless oblivion, you end up sharing it with your friends?
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