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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Good call, they don't err on the side of too in your face, as I have found other Grados are wont to do.
  2. Seriously considering buying Spykee: ...so that I can play with my cat at home while I'm at work. Double:palm:
  3. First of all, that doesn't add up -- you mean the rest of your system, right? Secondly, that's easily remedied -- buy more expensive equipment.
  4. Mike Oldfield - Tubular Bells 2009 remaster -- sweet sweet bass
  5. Maybe there's some sort of cosmetic flaw with this batch.
  6. Onkyo competes in iPod-dock-with-digital-out market.
  7. Working on In Absentia in the car.
  8. Audio gear impressions, please.
  9. Real unix hacks use "echo". Sorry, that joke never gets old (to me).
  10. What is this? I googled, and all I could find on Sennheiser's website was microphones ("stethoset"), but the picture shows a dummy head. link On an unrelated note, I like the picture of Oskar as well:
  11. They should just put hinges on the enclosure, so you guys can have at. Quiet hinges, mind you. Or some sort of removeable backing.
  12. What in tarnation is a "double crown"? I thought that was a checkers move.
  13. I think he was expecting coffee.
  14. That would be illegal.
  15. I'm in your server, stealing your bandwidths.
  16. I have used cat, but it better be a short file, and I know what I'm doing.
  17. What are you looking for (in a DAC)? Prat? Accuracy? Musicality? Sorry to hear about your misfortune.
  18. Sympathies, I know exactly what you're going through. Also, cats can sense what you're feeling and thinking. If you anticipate that he will hate it, he will hate it. Try thinking and saying out loud, "it's for your own good", &c. My cat has actually gotten better about receiving his medication (liquid) over the course of the last week. I think the part that he hated the most was me manhandling him, and realized if he struggled less, I'd manhandle him less. Also, I don't feed him until after, and give him treats after as well (he loves Pounce).
  19. Wife: so what expensive thing did you order today? Stretch: A Gyro Wife: Lunch was expensive?
  20. Alright, I gotta ask, what did you think the typo was? I'm coming up blank. And yes, it's a linux/unix geek thing. Conversation went something like this: Product Owner: I want you to write a man page. Me: Can you send me an example? PO: (sends Dusty an example -- it is what the man page looks like, I.E. the result, not the source) Me: (looks at man pages for find, ls, ftp, man, and a couple others) PO: Did that help? Me: Sort of, but I wanted the nroff, not the... PO: (already shaking his head) No no no no no, you don't have to go to that much trouble? Me: Are you kidding? It's easier. I don't have to worry about formatting. PO: Alright, whatever's easiest for you. Me: <3. Okay, that last line didn't happen, but the rest was pretty much verbatim. vi, of course.
  21. Wrote a man page for the software I've been working on for the past umpteen weeks/months.
  22. How much do the Aachen systems run? I mean, are there even any binaural microphones for <US$2+K? (And I'm pulling that number out of my ass -- I haven't seen any reasonably priced binaural mics at all.) If it comes even close to sounding like a binaural recording, <$300 is definitely more my style.
  23. Okay, so you know what to literally watch out for. Good, that was my main concern. I am very interested in what results you can obtain, will be monitoring your progress. Heck, if it works out, I might have to try to do the same thing myself.
  24. What about finding a local body shop that works with fiberglass? You can't just drill fiberglass (well, you can, but...I wouldn't). Also, a binaural head mic actually makes an attempt at modeling the acoustic properties of the ear flaps, reflective properties of the surface, etc. I mean, it'll probably be fine for measurements, I'm just not sure about using it for a binaural mic.
  25. First of all, I can relate -- I only got my first iPod late last year. Secondly, I didn't even know about the Sort Artist column.
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