Alright, I gotta ask, what did you think the typo was? I'm coming up blank.
And yes, it's a linux/unix geek thing. Conversation went something like this:
Product Owner: I want you to write a man page.
Me: Can you send me an example?
PO: (sends Dusty an example -- it is what the man page looks like, I.E. the result, not the source)
Me: (looks at man pages for find, ls, ftp, man, and a couple others)
PO: Did that help?
Me: Sort of, but I wanted the nroff, not the...
PO: (already shaking his head) No no no no no, you don't have to go to that much trouble?
Me: Are you kidding? It's easier. I don't have to worry about formatting.
PO: Alright, whatever's easiest for you.
Me: <3.
Okay, that last line didn't happen, but the rest was pretty much verbatim.
vi, of course.