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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Is this the concert tour, or the broadway thing? You need to see them in concert, 100% music focused. Alright, well, 99%.
  2. Are you (Dan) kidding? Rose gold is hawt. (Of course, it helps that I developed a taste for different golds selling jewelry in my youth -- I can still tell the difference between 14k, 18k, and 24K gold by sight.)
  3. I'm going to go out on a limb and say <50%.
  4. You heard it and liked it -- go back to the solid plate.
  5. Eric speaks for the rest of us.
  6. The whole purpose of this thread is so that the rest of us can be there vicariously. Any excuses about being too partied out will be responded to with The Raspberry.
  7. Anal Retentive Cat is Anal Retentive.
  8. How about a biohazard and "High Testosterone Toxicity Levels" or something to that effect?
  9. I saw a band called Holy Cow a long time ago (opening for someone -- Shriekback, perhaps? Don't honestly remember). I wonder if that's the same band. And actually, that makes me think of: Todd Rundgren, "I Just Want to Bang on the Drum All Day" or whatever it's called.
  10. What the hell is she saying/selling?
  11. I thought "twat" was the past tense.
  12. Yeah, there's something heartwarming about having an animal against you when you sleep (or try to).
  13. Something about DSD and Super Audio CD in there, but no HDMI input. Probably just "upsampling to", but then it says something about "transport" as well -- so maybe they've figured out a way to transmit DSD files over USB? Yeah really, I don't get that either. I particularly enjoyed this sentence (from google translate): I don't know what it is, but it's the first DAC I know of that can be used as a Dejitarupurianpu. Perhaps Dinny is a Dejitarupurianputa?
  14. ...(wince)...(flinch)...(sweat)...(lemon face)...
  15. I actually listened to Kazumi Watanabe in the 80's and early 90's.
  16. And with just one GPU -- that must be one hella powerful GPU!
  17. Sinead?
  18. Jeez, the JH13 bug has really bitten you strong.
  19. Oui, Ja, Da, Yes please, &c.
  20. Tubular Bells 2009 remaster again -- I love this remaster.
  21. I suspect the senior citizen wouldn't react well unless I rubbed my pheromones all over it, but the little one has been playing by himself for months, I doubt he'd have a problem with it.
  22. That don't look right.
  23. Because I broke my rule again (of not buying any more watches until I sell some of my less favorite ones). And black on black (or rather, charcoal on black) is very attractive...to me.
  24. Yay. Yeah, they're pretty forgiving creatures.
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