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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Wait, so now I'm confused: there's the CD, the digipak, the vinyl, the CD/Tee/autographed picture thingy, but then there's also the "mailorder edition" boxset? WTH? Oh, and I was going to order the vinyl from Nuclear Blast Europe, not Nuclear Blast USA, the latter of whose pages do indeed just tell you to go over to CMDistro.com. Oh well, I emailed Nuclear Blast Europe, hopefully they will be getting up soon and answering my questions soon.
  2. No, not really. I'm shameless, so if something really good comes up, I'll share. But my memory isn't what it used to be and I am easily distracted. I'm sure there's some Jeff Lynne or some Ozzy that I misheard. Or Michael McDonald. Those guys really slurred a lot.
  3. Yeah, the Bell & Ross Phantom and something from the Hublot Big Bang series are two reasons I play the lottery. And yes, I'd get black ones with colors, too:
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. Hawt.
  6. He could always compensate for less bass by putting a hump in. JH: Mah humps, mah humps...
  7. See, I'm just the opposite -- I hardly ever listen to IEM's, that's why I'm nowhere near as tempted as these other people. That said, I could see how the multi-driver situation wouldn't translate well to full-size headphones, so it'd be a sound I wouldn't be able to get elsewhere, other than speakers. Hmmm... The thought is crossing my mind. Not "la-la-la" frustrated yet, but ... intrigued is too strong a word...interest is finally piqued?
  8. I'm not sure I disagree with you, but considering there are demos of the universal format, I would hope that he would realize the market for that and make them available. I suspect he'll just wait until the rush for the customs is down a bit. That would be the smart (marketing-wise) thing to do, IMHO.
  9. I don't think so. One can actually purchase the vinyl via Nuclear Blast. Also, I got a response from CMDistro -- they didn't put it up, because they haven't received their shipment yet, and with the "limited" status, they don't want to put it up until they actually have it in their hands. I went ahead and purchased the signed/CD/T/photo set. Will keep an eye on CMDistro, will put off the Nuclear Blast purchase for a little bit. Might email them to see if they can provide the same info (how many they have allocated/sold etc.). And no, I haven't, thanks. Didn't learn about this album until you posted about it.
  10. How do you get "horses" from "curtains"?!?!? I didn't realize there was a definitive answer to the "kiss the sky"/"kiss this guy" question.
  11. This sounds more like a wiki to me, rather than a multi-user document management problem. People shouldn't have the ability to change others' gear lists, unless specifically tasked to do so (Mike would need to delegate a secretary or something). That said, I agree with Nate, I don't picture a solution to this problem.
  12. $575? I'm getting one ASAP. Dusty doesn't just approve, he's feeling a little tingle "down there". EDIT: Argh, too bad it's a quartz movement. Might still get it, but it's no longer ASAP.
  13. Ar-ar.
  14. LOL@ Also LOL@: Mephisto: pwnd.
  15. Buying it from Nuclear Blast, I guess. It's limited edition, so I'm not taking a chance that they've already sold out of their entire allotment. Plus, it fucking rocks. link
  16. Goddamnit. (2x 2xvinyl + CD+T+signed pic packages -- total 3 items) I am weak for the redheaded female. EDIT: Was about to, but the vinyl is temporarily sold out, will finish the transaction, see if there's a waiting list for more or whut.
  17. (ponders vinyl release in anticipation of future vinyl setup) (has a stray thought of Simone in black PVC) (is lost)
  18. Dude, emacs already has a macro for that...
  19. I don't. [sNL-Scully]I remain...skeptical...[/sNL-Scully]
  20. ...am...mesmerized...by...Simone...must...have...
  21. More drivers == lower driver excursion, naturally keeping it in lower distortion area. That's the explanation as I remember it from the Nearfield Pipedreams review.
  22. Huzzah. (virtually claps JP-numbs on the back)
  23. How in retardation does one fit six drivers in that tiny little thing, and more importantly...why?!?!? I mean, it's not like the physics changes that much from a 1 mm driver to a 2 mm driver, does it? I mean, if that's the case, then how are they arranged? D'Appolito? Line array?
  24. Holloween in Hi-Fi
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