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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Mind melt. Or...do you remember that scene in Green Mile, when he didn't wet the sponge?
  2. Duggeh's idea is fab -- but it's his, I can't take it. I don't really have a single image that I associate with me. I think the smiling moose would be too hard.
  3. I am already familiar with the Bell & Ross Phantom, and it's completely out of my price league, so no worries. Erm..."cousin"...what? I might need to know about its cousin.
  4. Well, it'll be quiet for everyone who has JH13s in, that's for sure. Maybe you lot should learn sign language. Or are you just going to text each other, so that you don't have to take 'em out?
  5. Well, they had to write proprietary drivers, because USB doesn't handle 192kHz on its own. OTOH, since they have written proprietary drivers, they can do things like make it asynchronous. Unfortunately, like stretch, I saw nothing on the website that says, one way or the other.
  6. So do you think there's a 12-step program for buying watches?
  7. Shouldn't be necessary to go completely ghetto on a new laptop.
  8. It's a button, like disabling wireless? That is nice. That'd definitely be an option.
  9. I'll probably be getting myself a laptop (my first!) at some point in the next several months. I hate touchpads. What are my options? Disable in software Disable in firmware Disable in hardware (open, disconnect or snip, close) Build my own Lenovo X200 Sony Vaio Lifestyle Any others?
  10. For those of us who are URL-maniacs, what part is the important part, this one: &tag=headcaseorg-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=390957...? I.E. is this the part we append if we want to, e.g., bookmark this? I.E. I tend to go straight to Gold Box, would the altered version look like this? (I took out location and IE -- I presume those aren't necessary.)
  11. Don't ask, don't tell.
  12. New Playboy CEO "Flanders"...any relation to Ned?
  13. Aw, man, don't post that, that was going to be my halloween costume!
  14. x3 -- aw-sum.
  15. It depends on the stand. 'Inert' and 'sturdy' are more important than material. That said...I like wood, it just feels more inert. In general. But filling a qual stand with sand can make a metal stand pretty inert, too. I'd get something like this.
  16. Look like LCD's. Pretty high resolution, I'm not seeing any artifacts.
  17. I wonder if he knew that. Next Wednesday, albeit Baltimore. Will have to try and make that.
  18. It's actually a hella lot better than that crap copper-under-transparent shit.
  19. Condom pillows is an idea waiting to be marketed.
  20. A (non-head-case/RL) friend emails me today and says that I should really check out this Emilie Autumn chick.
  21. Drove around -- left the house around 12:45, didn't get back until after 6. Just errand after errand after errand.
  22. I've seen them several times -- yes, you do. There is something about that music, multi-percussionists, and silly bald very blue men that just add up to something greater than the sum of the greatness of the parts.
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