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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. God's Oinks, she's hot!
  2. Happy birthday! (party favour noise)
  3. You say, “toe-mah-toe”... https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/zoiks Honestly, I was too afraid it was short for god’s oinks.
  4. Naw, it predates Futurama by a few decades: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Zoiks
  5. Egad. I've been doing it wrong. I used it as confirmation, like 'indeed'. What about 'zoiks'?
  6. Wait, it is? I thought it was just a normal contraction, for "is truth". (wanders off to Google) Goddammit, now I have to stop using it.
  7. Best wishes! Stay safe!
  8. ‘S’truth
  9. Cheers.
  10. So those bulbous things are KT150 tubes/valves?
  11. Chick Corea live on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=265202147954694&notif_id=1589576858187090&notif_t=live_video
  12. That’s like being into granny porn—not everyone thinks of them that fondly.
  13. More gadgetses.
  14. Now I want a raspberry pie.
  15. Gave this a listen -- quite good! And wise choices, too, I enjoyed the sequence of Schubert/Berg/Liszt -- Berg's piece almost seemed like an interlude. Now: super mellow clean jammy guitars: https://stonerebel1.bandcamp.com/album/land-of-the-dying-dreams
  16. No, that’s not Esmé, my cousin took that picture with her daughter.
  17. Mather, This is the Underground progressive hard rock with clean vocals -- totally dig this! Lots of nice dynamics, from clean almost country to soaring lead guitar solos and great ensemble playing. RIYL Elder, harder rocking Pineapple Thief, et al https://mather.bandcamp.com/releases
  18. I grew up on Henry Mancini, and that soundtrack in particular was one of my favourites.
  19. Yeah, but what flavour?
  20. Seriously. If it’s smart enough to filter everything else and leave my voice, then it could be smart enough with a little tweaking to filter Brent’s voice out and leave everything else. My dream is closer to reality. Also: thank math!
  21. I definitely like those things, will listen later. Right now listening to some nice wake up music from supergroup/side project/vanity project/??? Legend of the Seagullmen:
  22. Is this a good deal? I’m only familiar with Furman from the 90s, don’t know if they are currently any good. I like the 15’ extension. https://www.proaudiostar.com/furman-ss-6b.html?utm_source=Google_Shopping
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