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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Almost all programs benefit from moar memory, especially anything that's doing ...well anything other than "hello world" (of which iTunes definitely qualifies). But only up to 4G for 32 bit systems. So you'd want the 64-bit operating system as well. It'll also run quieter and cooler. Not to be confused with the memory limit of the motherboard, which is probably what is dictating the 4G number in the Mini specs.
  2. They were out (backordered, meaning they're not even in the distributors' warehouse), so it'll be a few weeks. I'll probably forget I ordered them by the time I receive them. In fact, I think I'll put a reminder in my yahoo calendar.
  3. You know, off to the side as a separate device, I could even be tempted to WANT NAO. And: Holy Shit! I just watched the Steve Jobs demo from the last MacBook (this one), and that's indeed pretty awesome.
  4. Yeah, that's why I backpedalled a bit. Also time.
  5. Namlook, La Mer -- electronica
  6. Or should I only bring one (player)?
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. He said, "knob", not "hand crank" or "throw switch".
  9. I can't believe you passed up the opportunity to place "twelve inches from" anywhere in that sentence.
  10. Shure SRH840
  11. Which ones should I bring? HINT: "All of them" is not realistic. I'm thinking the three best: the Denon (my daily player), the Oppo blu-ray player, and the better of the two Pioneers. Also, if you thought I meant actual SACD's, "all of them" is not realistic there either. If you have any particular ones that you want brought, tell me which ones. I'll bring Goldfrapp just because; some Depeche Mode; both the Talk Talk ones (just because they are a personal reference); probably as many of the RCA Living Stereo SACD's as I can fit, and a couple other favorites. Oh, and yes, some Hilary Hahn. And no, Colin, I don't have Consign to Oblivion yet. I paid more than US$40 for the two Talk Talk ones, it's going to take me some time to build up the nerve to pay more than US$100 for one SACD. I will, I just haven't yet. Also need to track down Dare (Human League).
  12. Why do you have four turntables? You trying to find the best match for each of your copies of Raw Power?
  13. Dude, Hilary Hahn is my favorite living violinist, don't be dissin'. And synthpop sounds friggin' awesome on SACD. I just wish there was more.
  14. Space issues. But if you don't, then never mind.
  15. I have several universal players, including modded Denon 3910 two modded Pioneers unmodded Oppo BDP-83 I also have quite an SACD collection (not up-to-date).
  16. Just FYI -- if you stack them, do tweeter-to-tweeter so that you don't get weird cancellations.
  17. We can't really see the back -- I meant on the front. :rimshot: Thanks for the warning!
  18. So the chastity belt is ironic?
  19. You do, indeed, need a "real" pre-amp. That said, how does the Moth sound, being used as it is?
  20. I thought "SoFla Winter Meet" sounded kinda cool.
  21. I'm guessing he left out "...17th..."?
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