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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Oooo.... Or, rather, "ditto".
  2. What are inbetweens?
  3. I would take the proximity of those two numbers as an omen. A good omen.
  4. Not a good example, but it will also depend on the ability of the two parties not to get offended. Suffice it to say: remain skeptical, I do.
  5. Oh, and I just realized something -- I was not 17 in 1993 -- I just interpreted your statement instead as "..if only Dusty -- at his game-playing peak -- could hear you now..." and responded accordingly. I am, indeed, old. And immature. On the bright side, in just a few years, I can increase my retirement contributions.
  6. Great, now I need a Wii (they've released the original cybersled for Virtual Console in Japan -- note, for example, the copyright date on the opening screen of this video: ...it is otherwise indistinguishable). EDIT: OR $500 Emailed
  7. My specialty was CyberSleds.
  8. ----------------------------------- P. 32 -- ARCY SPARKY IS DISCUSSED!!!1! ----------------------------------- (albeit, without the mylar)
  9. Good eye!
  10. I appreciate your help in the matter.
  11. Violates. Besmirches. Adulterates. Boycotts. Desecrates. Befouls. Despoils. Perverts. Ravages. Sacks and Pillages. Yes, "Violates."
  12. (smirk)
  13. That's awesome. They also apparently have manga guides to physics and molecular biology -- how appropriate, since manga violates the laws of physics and molecular biology all the time.
  14. Next time, try disconnecting and reconnecting all connections. Sometimes that makes a difference.
  15. I'm not much of a gamer, but that was awesome. Of course, I probably wouldn't get past "abandon all hope, ye who enter here". "Oh, well, looks closed, let's come back later."
  16. The XX -- really dig this minimal, retro (Joy Division/early New Order/Church/Chameleons-y) brit-pop-ish whatever-it-is. I really like the production -- it almost is the opposite of the current "louder is better" approach to radio airplay.
  17. Yeah, I'll change my stance to agree with this.
  18. Those fucking meteor hits usually take out 4 at a time, at least, sometimes 8 or 9.
  19. If you're buying the KGSS new, you might ask to see if he'll do a Koss jack for you. Then there will be no need for the recable -- one or the other, not both.
  20. That's easy -- ULN-2. Especially if you interpret as "Flavor of This Month".
  21. Weakest component == most important. No, seriously, the cartridge/phono pre are probably the most important, because you're starting out with such a low voltage, that it's very easy to introduce (and amplify) non-signal-related noise into the sound.
  22. Yeah, there are basically two schools of thought -- one is Team Over-engineering, in which you run the tubes well within spec, and use more of them if you need more; the other is Team Tubes Are Cheap, in which they run them "hot", because they think they sound better that way.
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