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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Quoted for bad omen. Good luck with that, man. PS We have legal counsel, if you want to try to find your way out of that "binding contract". EDIT: Seriously -- The BHSE has yet to be out-done, as far as I'm concerned. I haven't heard a BA, but all reports are that it is top notch, and you may, indeed, be done. For amps. Now you're on to sources.
  2. Well, isn't that what you want to do, in this case? The whole point in bass reflex is that the backwave off the driver comes around and interacts with the front wave, so you try to do it in such a way that it either negatively interacts with the natural hump in the driver's frequency response, or positively interacts in the region where it's weaker (this latter being the usual case). A round port (I believe) means it's tuned to a specific frequency; a slit means it's tuned to a range of frequencies (someone who knows the science better should correct me if I'm wrong about that). So short answer: something dense -- either closed cell foam or felt. Felt is easily obtained (and cheaply, I might add) at most craft stores; I don't know where you'd get dense foam, other than paying through the nose for it at a music store. (I'm not saying you can't -- I just don't know.) You can also try varying the amount of the slit that you cover up. I.E. only stuff 50% of it, 25%, 75%, etc. Yes, I know, then we're back to how much of the backwave you let through -- but you have more control over it this way. Definitely don't use the small speaker setting, that'll ramp up the bass. You might try some of the setting that HeadphoneAddict tried. I'm a bung believer -- I use the bungs in my Special 25's, then corner load them. And then listen to them in the nearfield. It's a pretty exquisite experience. Other people might call it bass heavy. Heck, even I'd call it bass heavy, but it's tight, not loose. I don't have a decent preamp, but if either you (Justin) or Colin want to bring a preamp, I can demonstrate. (Just warn me, so I can set them up beforehand.)
  3. Does anyone know what the actual values are for the different EQ's on the iPod? I found a definitive list, but not their meanings.
  4. Aerius -- is your monitor calibrated? It looks like it's about to hail in that one. How low was the ceiling that day? You're assuming that your camera introduces no colorations of its own (the A-to-D), so unless your monitor is calibrated, even you don't know how accurate the picture is to reality. The only thing you can say with certainty is that the entire system -- A-to-D-to-A -- most accurately represents reality.
  5. Batman Vanishing
  6. You want family pack or single user? There are still plenty of dealers who still have stock, methinks. (I need to get one, too, albeit for work.) Google shopping
  7. FYI (not DIY) -- these two are effectively the same thing. I use the one from RatShack, it does all those things except for the detachable leads. Which, I suppose, if you attach to other leads would lead to the same thing.
  8. You pictured him as Tori Amos? He's shown himself before, although I can't find the pic now.
  9. The other thing you can try is filling the slot with some sort of bass absorbing material. That's the bass reflex port. Effectively making it a (mostly) sealed enclosure. Might make matters worse, though, depending what frequency range it's loading at. But worth trying, since it's reversible.
  10. Yeah, I knew there were a few fans around here besides me, and it's cheaper than the cheapest used version, so thought it worth posting for those interested in giving it a shot.
  11. Dead Like Me complete collection US$27 on gold box.
  12. Oh, well hell yeah -- I've lived in Southern Maryland -- solid wood is much better than particle board. It's also more expensive to purchase. If you know not to leave particle board in a humid area (I.E. "outside" or "with the windows open" in the DC area), it won't fall apart when you accidentally do anything to it, but it's not bad for starter pieces. Chris -- there are some good solid wood places, I'm only finding one, right now (and I can't guarantee it's worth the trip), but just look around. Montgomery County is probably not the best place to shop for prices. I'd probably start in Howard County, or plan a trip to Charles County, but get a list of places to visit first.
  13. It would also defeat the purpose.
  14. No, I mean the one labelled "d" in the name, which is the fifth one. a, b, e, c, d is the order he has them in.
  15. I believe that.
  16. Y'all like the first one because you have your monitors set too bright and it's the darkest. I go with the last one -- "d" -- as being the most accurate (given my guess about what the original scene looked like), and it also happens to be the one I like the most.
  17. That hasn't been my experience. I like pretty much everything I got at Ikea.
  18. You need to discover Ikea. Not everything they have is cheap, but the bargains are really cheap.
  19. Unfortunately, it won't fix his problem either -- the problem is asymmetry. If they were both loose, then I could see how gaining weight would help, but they're not, and it doesn't.
  20. EQ? Tannoy Autograph Mini?
  21. Oh, well...then you're golden. I stand corrected.
  22. Quad 12L actives and an ILOD cable. EDIT: Scratch that, I suspect the bloom is even worse on these.
  23. I'm not sure how it would translate if you made it entirely out of wood. I'd work up to it.
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