Oh, yeah, we're definitely going to have to do some work on my Orthos, now that I've heard what good modding can do. I already have the felt -- how does one attach it? I want to have all the necessary materials and tools before I ask that we get together again.
Marc -- thanks from me as well for sending those along just for us to hear, that was really nice of you to do so. My wallet hates you however. I really liked the LCD-1's, despite the apparent lack of bass -- I thought it still went down quite a ways, it just sounded more attenuated than the HE-5's. Detail freaks like Hirsch would love it as is, methinks (which, admittedly, was modded), but I still really liked the sound (which is weird, because I hated the non-bass R10's). So from what I hear of the rumors of the differences between the LCD-1's and the LCD-2's, it sounds like they're improving it in exactly the right areas.
The HE-5's were superb as is, I'm getting a pair, even though they're open. I'm also probably going to have to get the LCD-2's.
And yeah, the SRX Mk3's sounded awesome out of your SRD-7 and Yamaha.
The Stax amp was the SRM-310 -- and yeah, it sounded like shit after listening to the Orthos and whatnot, which is weird, because I had been listening to it out of the Oppo all week, and I don't remember it sounding like this then.
And the O2 MkII's aren't as bad as everyone else says it does, it's only mildly more bassier, but of course, there will be a resultant relative drop in treble, but it's like the bass in the LCD-1's -- it's there, it's just attenuated. Nothing a little EQ can't fix.
Also, didn't think of it until later, but you should give the Sony MDR-V6/-7506's a go, I think you'd like them.