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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. That's not good.
  2. Well, it's not so much that they sound good, as I think they have the treble energy you're after. And the bass extension and control. They're worth hearing, is all.
  3. Don't laugh, I've considered it just for sampling (not high-hats, but an entire drum kit). Don't have the room right now, will resume considering after I move (not for another year or so).
  4. I'm glad you brought up the zero-feedback -- that is intriguing, and I don't think it's been mentioned before.
  5. I should have known you'd get it right. Sounds perfect.
  6. I love that picture of her.
  7. I <3 meatloaf. Yours looks particularly good, but I'm not a big fan of minced garlic -- I like to stab them with garlic cloves at the last minute. Just a touch. Doesn't help that I haven't had breakfast yet. (stomach gurgles comicly)
  8. 'cause it's not that bad. And you can find out for yourself.
  9. As opposed to "...in your presence"?
  10. Yes. Of course, you're going to need a subwoofer to go with that.
  11. "He had nothing on, but a smile...and some slow-moving liquid."
  12. I accidentally saw Tracy at Humphrey's Half Moon -- it was rather delightful. (Accidentally == I checked into the hotel for the first time, not realizing that (a) she was playing there, ( that there were concerts there at all, © that I'd have a magnificent view of the show from where I was staying, (d) so it was effectively free.)
  13. Oh, yeah, we're definitely going to have to do some work on my Orthos, now that I've heard what good modding can do. I already have the felt -- how does one attach it? I want to have all the necessary materials and tools before I ask that we get together again. Marc -- thanks from me as well for sending those along just for us to hear, that was really nice of you to do so. My wallet hates you however. I really liked the LCD-1's, despite the apparent lack of bass -- I thought it still went down quite a ways, it just sounded more attenuated than the HE-5's. Detail freaks like Hirsch would love it as is, methinks (which, admittedly, was modded), but I still really liked the sound (which is weird, because I hated the non-bass R10's). So from what I hear of the rumors of the differences between the LCD-1's and the LCD-2's, it sounds like they're improving it in exactly the right areas. The HE-5's were superb as is, I'm getting a pair, even though they're open. I'm also probably going to have to get the LCD-2's. And yeah, the SRX Mk3's sounded awesome out of your SRD-7 and Yamaha. The Stax amp was the SRM-310 -- and yeah, it sounded like shit after listening to the Orthos and whatnot, which is weird, because I had been listening to it out of the Oppo all week, and I don't remember it sounding like this then. And the O2 MkII's aren't as bad as everyone else says it does, it's only mildly more bassier, but of course, there will be a resultant relative drop in treble, but it's like the bass in the LCD-1's -- it's there, it's just attenuated. Nothing a little EQ can't fix. Also, didn't think of it until later, but you should give the Sony MDR-V6/-7506's a go, I think you'd like them.
  14. I like flush. At work, I have my Quad 12L's to either side of one of my screens, slightly toed in ("really? in the nearfield? Is that necessary?" "No, not for sound, just for looks/cleanliness of setup/etc." "Oh"), and then with a second LCD to the right of the right speaker, also flush. The theory being to minimize edge diffractions. It'd be the same reason speaker designers go out of their way with interesting variations on baffles ("infinite", etc.). But really, Vicky has it right -- experiment, whatever sounds best. Certainly hanging over the edge as you have it would be at least as good as the speaker designers intended, I think.
  15. Well, they probably didn't even check until you complained.
  16. Well, for future reference then, should she decide to experiment some more. And for anyone else's education as well. Always eliminate that speaker baffle/speaker stand plate initial reflection. So not-so-moot, perhaps?
  17. Not a one. That's, like, your opinion, man.
  18. Vicky -- the baffles of the speakers should be flush with the books.
  19. GPH Re: The Musical Box -- I've of course heard of them (being a huge progger, myself) and intend on seeing them some day (although I keep forgetting to look to see if they're ever coming to my area), but I still have a question: do they do the whole drum duet thing that Phil Collins and Chester Thompson do? That started with the Trick of the Tail tour, didn't it?
  20. For the record, we "forgot" to invite pretty much everyone. I sort of "invited myself" publicly (and it evolved from there), so if anyone else was interested, they could have expressed an interest publicly as well.
  21. Really nice selection, there. (Symphonie Fantastique, in particular, is a recent discovery for me.)
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