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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. I was thinking more along the lines of androids. Or hired actors.
  2. The trick is to have a hot guy and gal in every class who always attend, then everyone would attend.
  3. I don't know you anymore.
  4. Especially with the up/down/left/right motion -- that's definitely correct either way. EDIT: Oh, look, there's 1-finger flicks, and 2-finger flicks, as well. I wonder if there are entire-hand flicks, or do you think that would require a larger interface?
  5. Okay, maybe next time I should read less haphazardly. I didn't realize you were bemoaning the faults of the system rather than glorifying them.
  6. Katatonia, Night is the New Day -- thanks to Colin for raising my attention to this one.
  7. I think it says "finger flick".
  8. Wait, what? When did they stop making unscented? (wanders off to do some research)
  9. Okay, you lost me right there. "Knowledge of the subject matter" should be valued above all else. Not the sheepskin, the actual knowledge. And that's what education should be fore. Were there some correlation between the sheepskin and the actual knowledge (as grawk -- and I -- would have it), well, that would just make things better.
  10. What he said. Albeit, not necessarily in that order.
  11. Jesus on a stick, that's messed up.
  12. I've had teachers who were more distracting from the course material than they were actually instructive -- if they made attendance mandatory, I'd have dropped them. There was one teacher (fantasy lit.) who made participation mandatory. Each class, we'd get assigned a book to start to read, and the next class, we had to start discussing it. The first one was C.S.Lewis, The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe. The next class, we each had to say one thing about how what we read so far had brought "joy" to us. She never got to me, and I dropped the class after that. I mean, the only thing that would have taught me would be how to say things that someone of authority wants to hear -- which, admittedly, I'm still not very good at. And then there's was this one comp-sci professor who always wore short-sleeved shirts, even in the middle of winter, claiming it was a "mind over matter" thing. Epic tangents. That's what I learned (and, admittedly, just went off on one).
  13. Plus, it's been around for years. When I was a kid, my mom always had the peppermint around, so we used it a lot. Powerful stuff -- the mintiness can bring tears to a grown man's person's eyes. I now use the unscented/baby/whatever variety for cleaning my mask that I sleep with on. (Light green label.) I do remember it being overly drying when used daily. So we only used it when liquid soap was appropriate -- whatever that means. I never could bring myself to use it as a toothpaste.
  14. I usually open videos in a separate window, then try to pause them immediately for later viewing. So this is where I paused it, purely by accident. You're welcome.
  15. I think you mentioned that yours didn't; I didn't know it about the Audio GD. The Adcom (modified by Colin) rocked. It was right up there with my Modwright modded Pioneer.
  16. I like to get them locally -- Target for me.
  17. I had to set mine to 50%, which is good because then it's just a single bit shift...assuming I got it at exactly 50%, which is probably presumptuous. Is there a way to set it exactly (I.E. with the numeric keypad rather than by mouse or some such manner)?
  18. That would be too much like government.
  19. !!! That's really great.
  20. I'm with stretch on this one -- at worst, they've disassembled the phones in preparation, and that's as far as they've gotten. Except for the one, which they fucked up. Hence the talk about "bullet-proofing the process". No idea whose pair that is, though. Probably theirs.
  21. "...while working".
  22. Please do, and report back, even if you've already decided not to keep it.
  23. Just don't forget to listen to Pretty Hate Machine and The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Taste before it stops being 1989 day. (MHO)
  24. Also: this. So yeah, either they're (real/genuine/non-cloned) PCM1704s, or they're not. I'm not sure they could be "knocked off" (pretty sure that isn't the correct way to put that in the past tense, but...whatever).
  25. Yeah, but that doesn't mean they don't have a legitimate stash of them. Not everything is on eBay. It should be fairly easy to test, no? Does it decode HDCD?
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