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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. I can't take credit for them, they're all coming from the same place, and I basically fell in love with all of them.
  2. The good news is, you'll have a posse. The bad news is, you'll have trouble telling them apart.
  3. Well that's a relief.
  4. Make it stop! Make him stop!
  5. Not entirely -- I mean, yeah, they are completely replacing the kernel, but it's still just files on a hard drive. It should be extremely tricky to try to continue to run in the transition state, but once you're in the new operating system, if it's working, then it should be working. Try exercising various external devices (I.E. as many different drivers) as you can -- if everything is still honky dory, then everything is probably honky dory.
  6. 'lunch' is fancy high-end turntable speak?
  7. This makes sense.
  8. I'm weird, because I came in on Dreamtime and Aural Sculpture, so those two are my favorites (with Dreamtime taking the slight lead). "Too Precious" is easily my favorite track by them. I love that ensemble break. Oh, and yay on ELO and Talk Talk.
  9. Not me, man, I don't see what all the hoopla is about, myself, and have said so before. Albeit, specifically about Parasound, not in general.
  10. Just on general principle, I wouldn't fix what ain't broke. I'd send them a stop work email/phonecall/whatever ASAP. Especially since you're doubtful that you're getting the originals back.
  11. It was inevitable -- if they didn't do it, someone else would've. Besides, Auto-Tune The News freakin' rocks.
  12. It's a crime by omission.
  13. They might just check you in if you did that! Their loss, though.
  14. Based on the reasoning I espoused earlier, it makes sense -- louder --> larger excursions for each driver, or same excursions with more drivers. So theoretically, it should sound better at "normal" listening volumes. Even smaller excursions == even moar linearer. The only problem that I can foresee (thinking out loud here -- which is always dangerous, it's kind of like chewing with your mouth open) is that you get to the point of -- if you listen quietly -- not having enough energy to get the drivers moving at all (isn't there some minimum?). I have no idea if the maths corroborate this -- someone with experience with line drive arrays should tell me if there's no problem listening as quietly as possible. Boy am I glad I didn't get the JH13 yet -- now I can go straight to (not) wanting the JH16. Basterds, all o' youse.
  15. I didn't know his eyeballs came out! I'm going to have nightmares about that, now.
  16. Mostly harmless.
  17. Yeah, let's just skip 7.
  18. Wait, what? 8 drivers? How many does the JH13 have, again? Is it custom also?
  19. It depends on what your definition of "version" is.
  20. Gained a little weight? Entirely in facial hair, mind you.
  21. This is actually the closest to what advice I would give, were I serious. They really are very close. Though there are scores of people who like one and not the other, so they must be very close to the line. The Line == that threshold of quality/fidelity/musicality/value/whathaveyou/whatnot/whatever below which we care not to go.
  22. I have. I wasn't criticizing, I was just laughing at the fact. Have you seen the trailer for The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia? There's a scene where one of the guys says, "you want to know what the mating call is for girls in West Virginia?" He then shakes a bottle of pills. (I forget what kind -- wasn't exactly taking notes, you know.)
  23. I stir in both directions. Turbulence, you see. My response would have been, "not and want to drink it!"
  24. Well...except...did they return Power Mac support?
  25. Higher alcohol content trend It cracks me up that West Virginia and Alabama are leading the way.
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