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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Punkin Chunkin -- it kinda sucked, ackshully
  2. I think the idea was to get pictures of it before the meet, so as to help decide whether or not to bring it to the meet, and therefore to know what tools to bring.
  3. Forgot to ask: 'worse' in what way?
  4. Are they really blurple (my favorite color)? Oooh...
  5. Sorry to hear that Pars. And: I believe it about the 20 hot tax chicks. It is Texas, after all. From my lifetime's statistical sampling, it seems the hottest chicks come from Texas. I'm just glad they're not in used car sales, I had enough problems turning down the one.
  6. Pedobear's cousin, Milfseal:
  7. Yeah, Chilton manuals have existed for as long as I can remember, and still do, as far as I know.
  8. And yet still: happy. Who said psychos can't be happy obviously doesn't know any psychos. They're downright manic, part of the time.
  9. Actually, that's not exactly accurate -- the key is dynamic, I.E. different for every disk. So we need to be lucky once per disk. Basically, most hackers look at it as not worth the effort to reverse engineer, and find a way to get at the data-stream from a legitimate SACD or universal player after it's decrypted, at which point it needs to be captured (or fed to a "DAC") in real-time. We call it "laserdropping".
  10. Happy watch: Surprised watch: Poker face:
  11. Ah. It also sounds pretty damn good directly out of the analog outs. To my ears. PS I've also heard a several people say the Sony's make for pretty damn good redbook players.
  12. Stereophile ranked the Oppo BDP-83 A+ as a transport.
  13. Nice.
  14. It's probably still encrypted -- Sony was real picky about that when Pioneer and Denon came out with their proprietary formats before HDMI came along to settle things, and I don't see them being any less picky on themselves about that, for exactly that reason (ripping). That doesn't make it impossible, just hard. Re: Oppo BDP-83SE -- man, if they just put a digital input on that thing (coax/HDMI/USB), that would be perfect.
  15. I think he was being sarcastic. Note how he said I'm not.
  16. She was just a beard anyway.
  17. Well, thanks for letting me know about that. Something newer than the 5400? The 5400 does claim to be able to do so (as does the Oppo), but not sure why that is relevant.
  18. The PerfectWave does SACD? Somehow I missed that...
  19. We don't? The DIY guys in particular are particularly admonishing. Kevin Gilmore talks to everyone like that. I'm not saying they shouldn't -- they have their reasons (safety, quality of construction, etc.). Agreed. You really have a way of cutting through to the heart of the matter sometimes. Anyway, I remain optimistic. The smarter ones tend to be the bigger assholes. But they're also smart.
  20. I love SACD's, have become totally addicted to the format, and listen primarily on headphones. It is worth it to me. I am sure that not everyone can hear the difference, and would be surprised if one could tell the difference in a DBT (especially against the sort of DACs that Dinny has heard/is used to), but that's because the single greatest advantage I find to listening to SACD is that I find it less fatiguing, which doesn't DBT well. The only way you can find out if it's for you is to try it. But I'll echo Aardvark Samich's comments -- make sure there's enough out there for it to be worthwhile to you. Some of the back catalog is rather hard to get ahold of. Are you into classical? Then you should have no problems, depending on whether or not you're into the mainstream stuff or the esoterica. (And even if you're into esoteric stuff, just check, it's rather easy -- e.g. search for 'arvo', search for 'dashow'.) Jazz is better represented than pop/rock, but there's some pop/rock out there...as long as you're into Depeche Mode, Genesis, Deep Purple and the Allman Brothers, and less into Pink Floyd, Tangerine Dream, Black Sabbath and Jethro Tull. And one doesn't rip SACD to one's hard drive entirely in the digital realm, that I know of. Grawk's is the only solution of which I am aware.
  21. But that describes more than 50% of us. It's just that he's not "one of us" yet.
  22. Hope you feel better, Dinny!
  23. Ah, hadn't heard that one before, should've been able to figure it out through context.
  24. Oh, Mr. Monkey already got one privately.
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