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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Dusty Chalk

    Top Gear

    I think it's from a play. A play called, "Top Gear: The Musical".
  2. Consumable groceries...Edible snacks...inflatable balloons...
  3. Not likely -- 11 episodes already in the can, executives basing their decisions on that as well as trend extrapolated from extant numbers. It doesn't even have the following that Firefly did.
  4. I've got two words for you, Mike: doppler effect.
  5. I'm with Nate -- they killed it with the time slot, and I'll have to admit to not being as in tune with it this season as with last. Here's to hoping the rest of the season makes it to DVD/Blu-Ray, at least.
  6. USB because it's there.
  7. reminiscent of...
  8. You know, instead of selling it to your broker, why don't you just sell it directly to someone who will appreciate it?
  9. Epic gibberish?
  10. You crack me up.
  11. I'd have to give it more time before I decided for certain. OWU,WAYN? has had the distinct advantage of going into "religious rotation" for a while, whereas Fantasies is still completely new. I have no idea what's wrong with LIO for me, but I just don't get it.
  12. Look -- it even needs breakout cables just to get 8 DisplayPort connectors out of it (one slot card)!
  13. I believe older Parasound and CEC transports have BNC outputs, but I honestly can't think of any soundcards that have BNC anything.
  14. She looks like a barbie doll in this one: I fully expect that were she ever to break her arm or leg, instead of a bone protruding from flesh, there would be wire protruding from foam rubber. The girl needs to eat.
  15. Could've...should've...didn't. EDIT: ss -- so what it sounds like is that they use the same boards, but they populate them themselves?
  16. Salut! (No, not "salute" -- I'm a civvy.) (Alright, I'm really screwing this up -- I think that's sake.)
  17. Well, for the record, (a) you can't take down your post, ( we have no problem with merchants, members of the trade, or even people associated with merchants or members of the trade posting in here, as long as they are up front about it. I mean, we have to get our information from somewhere, and this is...well, it's not exactly the information we're curious about, we'd be really most curious as to the technical details of exactly the changes made to the analog output stage, but it's certainly a step in the right direction. So why don't you just come clean now and tell us who you are, and how you're associated with Oppo, Nuforce, or whomever, directly or indirectly. Thanks! EDIT: Never mind, it looks like you were just parroting Neuromancer from AVSForum, who is probably the merchant, member of the trade, or whatever. All the same, thanks for the info. Next time feel free to link right away, it'll save you some grief. E.G.: Source I do find the part about an upgrade path interesting, although I'll probably just get a second one for the office. I'll probably get the Oppo SE rather than the Nuforce SE, since they're both competing upgrading the analog output stage, and I don't have a warm fuzzy feeling that spending more will get me more, since I'm already getting a lot with the non-SE version.
  18. Well, no, that doesn't explain the lack of Power Mac support, WTF is up with that?
  19. Metric, Fantasies -- I like this better than Live it Out, but not as much as Old World Underground, Where Are You Now?
  20. Once more, with feeling:
  21. No, it's got some sort of gauge thing. I just hope I don't have to stick it in her butt.
  22. Was listening to Swallow the Sun, The Morning Never Came in the car earlier -- rawk!
  23. Who to the what to the when how? (Don't know if the missing pronoun is "you" or "I". And if it's "I", then you should probably be posting to the existential crisis hotline.)
  24. Jesus, I bet that's a match.
  25. Drunken noodles with chicken from Pilin. Yum. (That Gyros looks good, and I'm not even hungry -- food porn!)
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