I have mixed feelings on the subject, so I'll let the community decide.
Pro: I, too, would like to be introduced to random/unheard/whatever music;
Con: I have a very large music collection, so the practical side of me says that whoever is buying from me should probably check for duplicates.
As a compromise, I offer the following suggestion:
Give a list of potential items, let the recipient veto whatever they feel like. It's up to the honor of the recipient not to do too much research if they want to be surprised...or not...(that doesn't need to be a community decision, pairs can do it however they like)...
You can give me Genetic, I think I know his tastes well enough... :evil:
Also, why don't you give it one more day, and PM people who might be interested, but may not check the board as frequently as last year (such as Luminette).