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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. ModWright must like 5687's -- I think my ModWright -modded Pioneer takes 5687's. From a quick google, there's also a lot of DIY projects that take 5687's. I mean, there's no argument that he has a lot of crap. But considering the sheer scale of the operation, I suspect there's still some gems in there, too. KG, you seem to be fixated on power tubes -- there are other tubes out there, y'know. Not that it matters -- I don't think anyone would want to deal with him at this point. Is he really still selling on eBay? oyVay.
  2. I'm with VPI -- this is probably belt drive's biggest strength, IMHO. Or you could just get multiple turntables and a skipjack.
  3. "input", singular; otherwise, yes.
  4. Are you going to show her your 'powerpoint'? ...just doesn't have the same ring to it as "key lime pie".
  5. Based on generalizations only: most DSL's go through whoever does your phone, which is probably AT&T. So service consists of you contacting Earthlink, Earthlink contacting AT&T, and AT&T jerking you around indirectly rather than directly.
  6. Mendelssohn, Italian & Reformation Symphonies, RCALSSACD
  7. They left out "Obvious", but I'm sure there's a joke about it in there somewhere.
  8. Yeah, but you never know what computer you're going to get.
  9. Yo, Elephas, I'm really happy for you. I'm going to let you enjoy your system. But the WES has one of the best electrostatic amps of all time, one of the best electrostatic amps of all time.
  10. Except that...isn't it a scientific fact that wine changes (continues to ferment, begins to go bad, evaporates, etc.) over time (in ways that audio equipment does not)? Very good article, BTW, and I do see a lot of analogies between the wine and audio equipment worlds.
  11. sampled Bear in Heaven -- definitely going to have to investigate that further, liking what I'm hearing so far Respighi, Foutains/Pines of Rome; Debussy, La Mer, RCALMFSSACD
  12. Damn, there's some good vinyl being reissued these days. Good times to be a classic rocker.
  13. So Bobby has taken to taking the mail (we actually live in a house so old that it has a mail slot) and moving it into an entirely different room, and my housemate told me to remind him that it's a federal offense. She's had several kittens grow up in the house, and never have any of them tampered with the mail. Even the worst one (Red), who was a terror, knew better than to commit a misdemeanor. To his defense, he hasn't opened it.
  14. Australia FTW! "...D.S. al Coda..."
  15. Happy Birthday!
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. "...restless...syndrome..." Trust in your own ears, Elephas. You are happy with your system. These are not the droids you are looking for. (waves hand mysteriously)
  18. "Fingercuffs"
  19. You should get impressions.
  20. Are we being paired up, or will it be daisy-chained? I think it should be daisy-chained.
  21. ImageShack fail.
  22. Bring your iPhone with you, so that they can see that you're not immediately going to ask for a fix/replacement.
  23. Yeah, just googling, it looks like multiple cores can help. Also, make sure you get an OpenGL compatible card (yes, laptops now come with graphics cards -- you can always add a monitor later), because it looks like Photoshop is one of the earliest applications (makes sense when you think about it) to utilize GPU acceleration techniques. EDIT: Yes, definitely upgrade the graphics card -- Nvidia are one of the leading manufacturers in the GPU acceleration business.
  24. No, I wear it correctly (in order to tell time without contorting).
  25. It's a limited edition: Nixon Barney's collaboration. (2nd link to purchase.) If you are anywhere near a Barney's or Barney's Co-op, you can see it first. Nixon also sells similar ones without all the gold bling on their website as well as on Amazon. I should warn you -- they're huge. I used to wear them only once or twice a week until I stopped hitting myself in the forehead from the momentum every time I looked at the time, then every other day. Now I could wear them every day, but I don't by choice.
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