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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Pass Labs Rushmore:
  2. Real Hockey Player: "LOL, they fight like girls."
  3. I think that's a pretty safe generalization for girl groups, and I don't just mean Asian. Was listening to Nightingale in the car, and was wondering why it sounded so familiar. I think the reason is twofold. #1 -- the obvious one -- is that I've heard it before, because I bought it from The End/Omega; #2 -- and I'm not sure, but I think it's because he sounds like Rob Halford. The music is -- Colin, you're probably too young to realize this -- a little retro, too, and I'm thinking Judas Priest as well, but it might be something else, can't quite put my finger on it. If anyone knows, please share with me. Colin -- if you haven't heard Sad Wings of Destiny and Sin After Sin, stop whatever you're doing, track them down now, and listen to them.
  4. I've got two words for you: edge diffraction.
  5. (starts to google "pussy licking fox"...then thinks better of it)
  6. Thanks, I was thinking 5 in geosynchronous orbit would do it.
  7. Well, since the ULN-8 probably won't be FOTM any more by then, I'd go with the TTVJ.
  8. Heifetz plays Bruch and Vieuxtemps, RCALSSACD
  9. What the hell is that thing? Besides a salt lick.
  10. Caught up on V last night.
  11. 's'truth. What's most funny is, I wasn't even thinking that my "shortlist" was "short" at all, I was just thinking in the colloquial. (A lot of British magazines end their reviews that such and such piece of gear -- if you're in the market for such and such category with such and such qualification -- should be on your short list.)
  12. Hawt. Origin Live is on my short list.
  13. Kitteh Motivational Posters
  14. I that video.
  15. Yeah, I could dig it as well. I got a chinese fortune cookie fortune the other day that said that my wildest dreams would come true. I thought to myself, "the rapture? really?"
  16. I am not a lawyer, but why don't you just err on the side of caution and answer yes? As far as I know, you weren't arrested or detained, but I do think that qualifies as "cited". Heck, see if you can find a leak of the new forms -- if they're more clear, maybe you do want to fill those forms out all over again. I'd expect they'd clear up things like whether or not they care about moving violations. A lot of modern forms explicitly exclude moving violations.
  17. It is my understanding that they don't have different "runs" like the ESW9's have.
  18. Thank you, Private Pricklyparts.
  19. The problem with the W5000 is that they don't fit right on everyone. Make sure you can return it, or, if buying used, you buy them cheap enough that you can resell them without much loss. Or find a way to try them first.
  20. Dollhouse, Castle, Community, V.
  21. Just got around to watching s2e4 -- fantastic. They weren't kidding when they said they were going to take it to a darker place.
  22. It was time to stop spinning vinyl before that.
  23. "douche", meaning, "to cleanse".
  24. Red cars go faster, so I can see how you would think that. But I'd need to know the color of the other before I could decide, because black goes fastest.
  25. "...going full nutter..."
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