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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. "As the fact that I've emailed you twice about it already, it does indeed make me uncomfortable." on him And yes, I understand all that about handmade -- it's not like you want to return them, you just want to fix it, and you're even implying that you'd be willing to do the work...
  2. Dusty want bad. Dusty just spent $700, so Dusty cannot has right now, but Dusty will be obtaining as soon as Dusty has $354 disposable income. Thing of beauty.
  3. Standard Deviation calculations.
  4. Ah. I don't know -- I'm not looking into getting into all the slapping and plucking. I just love a good bass line -- it doesn't have to be anything fancy (although my jaw does, indeed, drop, when I hear someone like the Ox play "The Real Me") -- listen to, for example, "Bang and Blame" from REM. Really nice understated bassline on that one. (I'm not saying it's easy to play -- especially with the groove he's got going on, but it doesn't require the technical virtuosity that for instance Justin and I discussed in that other thread -- it's more of the other kind -- the expressive virtuosity that Justin described.) The only thing hard about the one I'm thinking of is this one two-note "chord" (is it still called a chord when it's only two notes?) right towards the end of this one part.
  5. Yes, the one from Reno Hifi -- thanks for the advice, and especially that tip. No, not , that was really from my wallet. Was trying to save money for potential super duper Black Friday deals (hello? I still need a laptop), but this seemed too good -- and too 'me' -- to pass (ahem) up. And then I'll have a pretty decent speaker rig again. Oppo BDP-83 -> Pass Labs Aleph P -> Musical Fidelity A308 -> Dynaudio Special 25's. "kasha"? Why do you use that word? I do not think it means what you think it means. Is there such a thing as a "kasha stout"? Because they got oatmeal stout and barley malts, so I'm thinking...never mind... Oh, and technically I haven't bought it yet, but I just committed to buying it, and told the guy I'm buying it, so as far as I'm concerned, it's bought. Here's to hoping he doesn't sell it before Friday.
  6. Pass Labs Aleph P in the all black
  7. Actually, having them symmetrical should improve your balance, since red goes faster. And yes, you should stop buying stuff at 3am.
  8. Well, fox did cross my mind, but it was being so docile (contrasted by how tightly the cat was gripping it), I thought, "no". Small dog? Maybe. Another cat? Nope, never seen one like that before. BTW, I love that move at the end, where he cartoonishly bounces off two cushions before disappearing out of frame. Reminds me of Bobby.
  9. Depends how much they want for the lot, and how many of them interest you.
  10. Yuppers. It's essentially so big, that you start to get distortion because the pixels are different distances from your eyes, so they fixed it by curving the entire thing. PS I changed my mind, I don't want -- it's only "900p". Although the ultra-widescreen aspect (pun intended) would have been nice. Can you imagine having every single one of your iTunes columns up at once?
  11. Alright, jailbreakers, change your password already.
  12. What am I, invisible chopped liver? I still think he laces them with aurally ingested crack. You know, one of these days, we're going to look back on all this and laugh: Head-Fi newb: "So what's the best single-driver IEM? I want to go 'old school'." (...probably someone just being born, or still in diapers.) I already know what his next project should be -- it'll have to be the JH13.2 -- separate entry points for the different crossover sections, with an external digital processor to correct for the crossovers. And then you'd have to tri-amp them.
  13. No. I have too much cat hair and other shit in the air where I live, the thing would look ancient in a week.
  14. Better a backpedaller than a stubborn asshat, I say.
  15. Happy Birthday, Phyllo Dough!
  16. "...It took several kilowatts to get any sound out of it...It drew so much power at the display at CES that every time there was a loud passage or a transient, the AC line would drop. The tension arms on the tape deck would go slack, the sound would stop, the power would go back up, and it would start again; then the power would go, and it went into an oscillatory loop which included every element of the chain, including the AC line and the tensioning arms on the tape deck. We had a lot of fun doing that—a good demonstration of how much power it required. Fabulous device, but it put out ozone, and after some extensive exposure to the ozone I found myself lacking oxygen in my bloodstream...It was a year before I could go near a copy machine..." Yeezh.
  17. Interesting -- in one fell swoop, he cemented his icon-like status in the gay community, and completely turned off all the homophobes. A line Madonna, for one, is smart enough not to completely cross, though she has been close enough to the line to feel the draw for decades. Oh, well, sure hope he likes disco. Good luck on the reinvention in a couple years there, fella!
  18. Yeah, I stumbled upon them while searching the web for reviews of the Aleph P.
  19. Also, panthers can't play trumpets. I'll post a pic later (much), but mine is very "80's" -- it's got those very characteristic colors that look like something out of an eMpTyV video. Also, it's white.
  20. Don't mind him, I can see them. Awesome. Well, one of them, anyway.
  21. What timezone is he/are they?
  22. Is that using the PerfectWave transport, or just a traditional (digital) input?
  23. You guys should probably ramp down the gain on the MP3's (or whatever). That might give you a little more room on the volume knob. (I believe it's an actual parameter in the metadata, not sure though.)
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