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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. :drool: ...and I'm not even hungry.
  2. Used? I'm semi in the market for one, so if you got new, wouldn't mind your source after you verify non-counterfeit status. (Can wait until you actually receive them, of course.) Please, and thank you.
  3. Boo -- the Nixon "Time Teller P" almost disappears the way that one I gave you did. And yeah -- somehow missed that post -- must be the crack...I mean, that's the effect watches have on me -- I've had an Invicta Slim on my mind for a while now.
  4. Yeah, that's exactly what I thought when I saw that it didn't even do 1080p. "...toed..."
  5. Scratch that, I didn't lose it -- he just didn't understand that I had commited to buying it on Friday, rather than "sleeping on" the decision. Oh, and it's not a steam. It's closer to a flavored porter or a stout or maybe even a brown. Steam is closer to an ale. I think -- someone with more knowledge about beer can correct me, please. EDIT: You know what, just scratch that, looks like I got it completely wrong -- the Christmas brew is an ale according to their website, and the steam is a lager according to wikipedia. So just...nevermind.
  6. Looks like I lost the Aleph P.
  7. Dusty Chalk

    Canjam 2010.

    Wow, someone who doesn't need the welcome PM.
  8. Give Gojira a try -- that's probably the most intelligible guttural screaming short of the actual cookie monster. For me, it's about the music. Cookie monster vocals suck, plain and simple -- some more than others. But they suck. It's not singing. I don't even think there is an analogy to other instruments -- hitting the lowest notes on the piano exclusively? Playing an open chord on a guitar or other stringed instrument? Basically, it's trying your damnedest to try to hit an octave lower harmonically than you are normally capable of. So for me, the music has to be good enough for me to listen to it anyway. Which is one of the reasons I enjoyed Nightingale so much -- clean vocals are so refreshing after so much of that crap.
  9. Never mind, just received this article from B&H. Seems the Casio Exilim EX-FH20 is perfect for what I want. Anyone have any opinions on the Casio Exilim EX-FH20?
  10. Too much "road noise".
  11. Leather is way too reflective.
  12. Well, it's unisex, since it's listed under both: link EDIT: Also, google shopping About half of them will list them as men's, but I believe it's the exact same watch, since, when I complained to them via email about women having some cool colors that men didn't have access to, including the one I listed as "one I was going to get" and the purple one, they responded by adding those watches to the men's side. What's cool about Nixon is that they run the gamut from traditional/conservative to wild/crazy. Look around, you may find something else you like. Nixon Women's Watches. They are in order by decreasing price -- the ones towards the top of the page are typically the most expensive.
  13. Oh, c'mon, javascript isn't that bad.
  14. So I really like the look of slow motion (and am thinking that with Bobby, it's going to be necessary). What's the best bang-for-the-buck camera that I want? Most of the ones that do 60fps seem to be just less than what I want to do, and 120fps seems to be enough, although I could probably be convinced one way or the other -- my research kind of sucks in this realm. Any additional thoughts would be welcome. Is it just fps that I'm worried about, or are there other parameters? I have to admit to beeing full newb on this.
  15. "Piqued". And: what kind of look would you like? You picked on the all black one to say something, so I thought, "crazy". How about bling: Or crystal bling: Or all white: Or mostly black: Or all black: Or (one I'm getting, so technically it's unisex):
  16. Yeah, but it sucks.
  17. Technically it's not idiocy to buy it the one time it's on sale.
  18. Yes, you had to make that clarification. And yes, hawt, it is. I was just complaining last Saturday that they don't make black skeletons -- I know it's technically not a black skeleton, but it's about two orders of magnitude closer than I thought I'd ever get.
  19. Where are you guys going to get an idea about the colors (besides the pictures being posted in this thread)? Is there a particular thread on head-fi?
  20. Actually, Nixon makes cooler watches for women than they do for men. But Nixon hardly ever goes on sale -- at least, not the ones I'm interested in. The Spree: If I were more flamboyant, I'd wear women's watches. But yeah, Invicta does seem targeted at men, mostly.
  21. And on a less serious note:
  22. Dude, it will go so well with pretty much everything Dusty. Dusty was "headed in that direction" two years ago, he is now well on his way.
  23. The problem is, it's an interaction thing, so each chair is going to sound different in your room. You're just going to have to buy a few (not more than one or two at a time, presumably) and try them. The most important part (besides comfort, of course) is the material combination closest to the head/ears. I would completely discount anything hard (like solid wood). Cloth materials and suede would be good, but they may make sounds boomier than they were originally. I would also seriously consider something with no or minimal head support.
  24. Crack, I say.
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