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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Happy Birthday, Mr. Peanuts.
  2. Merged 'em. Feel free to bookmark this one, we can always merge others later.
  3. Well...at least you figured out what it was. Yes, the sushi was, indeed, superb. I usually get really good sushi, I had forgotten how long it had been since I had really excellent sushi. I ended up not drinking the homebrew right away, but I don't want to let it sit around for too long, correct (the bottling thing)? Or is this one of those cases where the longer I let it sit around the better (fermenting)? Interestingly, there was zero drinking and zero talk of alcoholic beverages.
  4. Easily. Oh yeah, sure, now you agree, but back when I said it, you had to sound like you were arguing with everything I said ...
  5. Alas, no. I'd be hanging out in the mall and grinning like an idiot if it were.
  6. No, I didn't say that. I just said it's the best place for the single biggest improvement -- the implication being "...all other things being equal". Have you even really seen that? Have you even made the comparison for yourself? Yes, even lighting is important, but it's fairly ubiquitous in the brands we've been discussing. If you jump from 60 Hz to 120 Hz (what I cited as my second most important criteria -- and there's no reason you can't have both), fast refresh comes along for the ride automatically. But 60 Hz is already pretty fucking fast, especially if you have a pretty good upsampler (usually meaning whatever is in your DVD player, anyway). And final snarky answer: so you'd prefer to statistically validate everyone else's opinion rather than coming up with your own? Okay, sheeple.
  7. Not all sets in the 50"+ range are 1080p. Especially the cheapest ones. And: pfff -- I disagree completely. But the answer is to go into the store yourself, and see for yourself -- but his point about typical viewing distances is a good one. People have a tendency to get way too close in the store, when they really don't at home. Figure out the distance you usually view at at home, then use that as a gauge when in the store. And I would totally ignore his comment about blind tests -- he's a zealot -- the only two to whom it matters is yourself and your partner. If either one of you can see the difference, that's all that matters.
  8. Panasonic is probably the best bang for the buck in plasma, but I prefer Samsung for picture quality -- admittedly, not by much, you probably can't go wrong with either choice. Ditto Sony vs. Samsung vs. Sharp for LCD. I mean, it's getting to the point where they all are really close. And ditto on watching TV by day -- probably should go LCD or LED-backlit LCD. And I, too, am waiting for certain improvements -- OLED and 3D, myself. I'm looking at just getting something 42"-46" 1080p 120Hz/240Hz/600Hz for the interim. Your single best improvement will be to go 1080p from 720p, so make sure you get that, even if you don't increase size. I'd also try to get at least 120Hz. That's probably the single biggest step (from 60Hz to 120Hz) in the range (60-120, 120-240, 240-600).
  9. Community/Castle/V
  10. Okay, now your just fogging with me. And ...uh, I forget you're name, guziguy...and guziguy's right -- I was correcting you on you're choice of words, not you're spelling; you're spelling's fine. I just really liked the imagery of having speakers so big, they need a tow truck to toe them in. "Also Sprach Zarathustra" superimposed with the "large truck backing up" beeping comes to mind as the soundtrack.
  11. That you know of... (creepy Twilight Zone/X-Files music)
  12. Yeah, but that's different.
  13. Beer on deck == goodness. Actually, the tryptophan is a misnomer -- there's more tryptophan in chicken breast and cheese, I recently heard on the radio. You're probably passing out from a combination of things: relaxation, sugar crash, alcohol.
  14. Jesus, that brings the A5 down to $280.
  15. Thank you, sensei. (starts to make notes in his reference book...thinks better of it)
  16. Snarky comment win. (I was trying to think of a snarky comment -- even went so far as to look those up -- best if I left those things up to professionals.)
  17. They make no such claims, and Charlize Theron >> Megan Fox.
  18. I'm just giving her a hard time -- wouldn't be fair to Billy if I didn't. (Billy gets an order of magnitude harder time; his spelling/grammar/whatnot is an order of magnitude worse'n yours, Shelly.)
  19. I am always grateful for Thanksgiving.
  20. Or how about the EX-FC100 or EX-FS10?
  21. Yeah, that's already on my wishlist.
  22. Hey, they must have been part of the group buy!
  23. You're right, I'm confused (was thinking of the ESW10, which has been discontinued for less than a year, I think?).
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