Explicitly, no. See above link -- you're essentially right, but it also appears to have something to do with their extant agreement with Microsoft (so it's probably some loophole in an aspect of the agreement that was intended to prevent competition).
Bit of a bummer. I appreciate it being mentioned -- forewarned is forearmed and all that.
Wait, you can mix colors, too?!?!? Dinny, that idea sounds seriously hawt, and not just because you chose black as the common-making color.
And I bet you can choose colors much closer together, and your mind will still be able to tell them apart, if you want.
Definitely try the angle thing. Orthogonal interaction vs. parallel interaction will make a big difference for little effort.
Also, try staggering it (inspired by the asymmetrical umbilical).
Yeah, I dig 'em too.
Though I don't know if I'd want to warm them up -- not to say that they're already warm, they aren't, I'd just want to complement their strengths which are frequency extension and detail (modded X-CanV2 did the trick alright). But if that's what you want, then go for it. Haven't listened to them out of any of my tube amps recently, will give them a try later.
I'm wondering if there's a way that you can shield one from the other. Ground a sheet of tin foil between the two?
EDIT: Colin beat me to another point that I just thought of -- well, maybe I had the thought because I read Colin's post...but yeah -- inverse square law comes to mind.
Really tempted to get the Anchor seasonal brew "Magnum" (silly big bottle -- looks like a prop on the set of the New Year's Eve countdown on television).
Katatonia, Night is the New Day -- "Ashen" is fucking epic, and my iPod got stuck on repeat on that track yesterday, so I really need to hear it now again today right now.