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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. (snort) Oh, and: I disagree, clearly the record should have been [url=http://www.discogs.com/Ammer-FM-Einheit-Pan-Sonic-Gry-Frost-79-40/release/133244]Frost 79
  2. It also depends on how strong the lighting is. Everything is transparent if you're backlit by a hydrogen bomb going off.
  3. Schubert symphonies 8 & 9, RCALSSACD
  4. x(n+1)
  5. (snort)
  6. As white as you are, black is not that much moar stealthy and less noticeable. I say get nude. And no, I did not mean to make that a separate paragraph.
  7. For those with eSata, 2TB for US$150
  8. Belated happy one! Rawk!
  9. Learning how to play an actual instrument >> everything else.
  10. It's not dodgy, I love that album.
  11. Yeah, I mean, it's not like they won't take your money. That's just counterproductive.
  12. So Steve -- when are you coming out? I mean, I think everyone already knows, and they're giving you about a hard a time as you're going to get, so what are you afraid of man? NTTAWT &c.
  13. I'm in the minority, in that I neither love nor hate them. I did think when I heard them that they were perfectly good phones, if polite. Personally, I like polite -- your headphones shouldn't have to make the music exciting -- the music should already be exciting. At least they didn't err on the side of "weirdly colored" (GS1000 comes to mind). I never got a pair only because I didn't find that they did anything that any other phones didn't do, and were essentially open.
  14. Sympathy meter...plummeting...
  15. And grubs! Don't forget the grubs!
  16. Regarding smell/toxicity -- you have to let them "outgas". In other words, it should go away. How washable are they? My allergies dictate that I use washable pillows.
  17. Well, the answer to that is, you need to own some SACD's. Also, you should still note the model number. In the Sony lineup, anything in the ES series > CD/SACD player > CD/SACD/DVD player.
  18. x1000 -- it's not just dumb, it is aggressively dumb. I mean, they had to have thought about this, and then still came to this decision. W.T.F. OTOH, Morena Baccarin nude hiney. Probably CGI, but as close far as I'm going to get with her, that's about how much difference it makes.
  19. Leaetherstrip, It's Who I Am
  20. Moar Zu impressions.
  21. You can't possibly watch all that porn and listen to all those bootlegs in this lifetime, so your primary purpose is to serve it to others. You really that benevolent?
  22. 20+ Tb? Jesus Christ, man, you ought to invest in tape backup, or at least a blu-ray burner. The thing about hard drive backups is, you need to spin them up every once in a while. Otherwise they may not.
  23. ...hence my avatar.
  24. You really don't -- I had someone stop in front of me on Seven Locks for absolutely no fucking reason. Not going anywhere I don't have to. However, while I was out earlier, I had some nice Thai at Taipei Tokyo off Shady Grove -- highly recommended, Dan. They also have superb sushi (it's one of them "multi-cultural" places).
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