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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. 8*44.1 == 352.8 352.8/192 == 1.8375 Whereas 192/44.1 == 4.3537... Easier math? It also might be easier math because 352.8 might be more natural choice for the intermediate value, given the calculations that gets it from one to the other. It also might be a complete red herring. Like "17 bit internal value" is really a fancy way of saying "we can do 16 bit math and keep track of one bit of overflow as a result of the instruction set".
  2. A fair question. Here's how I'd go about seeing if the answer makes sense: determine what is the benefit of going balanced, see if it applies in this case. The benefit of going balanced -- in general -- is noise rejection. This is most useful in low level signals such as microphones and turntables. So having it post-amplification? Not so much. Small, non-zero, yes; worthwhile? Not for me. I'd want balanced all the way back from the source, as Headroom does it.
  3. I would just like to mention that I finally got around to listening to that Bear in Heaven disk yesterday, and goddamn is it good. Lush/4ad/M83/Siouxsie/other stuff mixed together until it stops sticking to your fingers, then spread on toast.
  4. I'm alright with "scary", "creepy", "deformed" and whatnot (or even "phallic"). To me, that just means they don't look like your average every day headphone stand, and gives it some individuality. See, for example, my avatar. My tastes definitely run that way. Heck, if it looks that good, I'll bring it in to the office and freak out my coworkers.
  5. They take up too much space.
  6. What about a ribbon-like connector, where the four connections are next to each other?
  7. Monkey's Santa pic reminded me of the movie, The Silent Partner. Which was a very influential movie on me. (And no, I don't rob banks.)
  8. Lolita.
  9. Whut? I thought they were going to do a complete season (22 episodes)? Aren't they only up to ep. 13 or something? Joss Whedon was supposed to direct one of them, that's the only reason I care.
  10. All from Sugarloaf Crafts Festival: Olive Oil, Olive Oil-based soap, shampoo, and conditioner Clam Chowder an all-black custom rollerball (ebony with shiny black hardware) some cheesecake pie mix from a chick who kept bending over and showing me her very nice boobies Vermont Maple Syrup -- extra dark and black. Probably should have gotten some light, too, in hindsight, might have to go back in January. The color has more to do with the amount of fermentation and therefore the flavor rather than the amount of flavor, which is an (admittedly incorrect) association I have in my mind.
  11. I'm not usually into that kind of music, but when I am, I really like Holly Cole.
  12. Sucks about the sandwich. Sucks worse about the stroke. I'm having cereal right now. And before anyone pities me, I really like cereal.
  13. Oh, don't worry about it, don't bother her about it, let her glow in the moment for now; I was just mentioning it to the trainspotters. I also might have been wrong about where it was -- it might have been in Ray Wise's character's office. I can't seem to find it right now.
  14. Which one, episode 8? I'll probably watch it in the morning on hulu. I should also point out that Summer Glau's character seemed to have some tube gear in that episode...and was that a turntable? I think the tube gear was Conrad-Johnson.
  15. Dusty Chalk

    Modern Family

    I laugh at the "cream puff" scene in the trailer every time. Also the "nothing gay going on in here" scene. Well, alright, the whole trailer. Hmm...maybe I need to check it out.
  16. Q: Anything perishable? A: Everything perishes, eventually.
  17. (looks at wallet) Not when you can't stop buying watches, it isn't.
  18. I suck -- I've already purchased Jin's 2ce (the first time because the cat got to it -- it comes in the same container as his favorite treats -- and the second time because I forgot myself and "got to it" myself), and haven't even started on faust3d's yet. (Need to weed through his list and make sure he doesn't already have what I intend to get him.)
  19. Hawt. Yes, do please indicate what that "option" is.
  20. I wouldn't do both. Go ahead and get two.
  21. Yup, pretty sure he is OCD. Fur rilz.
  22. No-one understands, because no-one wants to admit the truth: VAMPIRE SQUIRRELS!
  23. Like a cocky, impatient child. Also, I like what he implies here:
  24. Oh, I have excellent insurance; problem is, it's really hard to diagnose me. Also, I have no desire to take drugs unnecessarily.
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