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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. I had that happen to me at a Pan Sonic concert, once. Also: (waits for 'like butter' joke)
  2. So why don't you figure it out for him? Carpe snowblower!
  3. They're about to go subscription, because the ads aren't paying enough for them.
  4. That sounds dirty.
  5. I'll be getting that Keith Jarrett online because it's available in higher res than CD.
  6. I think he's confusing reality with his dreams again.
  7. Considering we all have fingers, no-one should have patents/trademarks/whatnot on multi-touch, only on the technology behind implementing it. But multi-touch in and of itself shouldn't be patentable. Unless someone down in legal fucked up.
  8. You know, I didn't even think of it that way. I had meant the lower-case w defenestrate. Awesome.
  9. Baconnaise is on gold box right now.
  10. ...or defenestrate it. It'll go fast, then faster, then stop.
  11. I didn't do a lick of shoveling, going to do it all tomorrow. And here's something I didn't realize: I thought it always got warmer just as it started to snow, but here it stayed in the 20's all day, so all that snow that didn't melt is going to stay not melted and just blow around a bit. So all you shovelers are still going to have small drifts to clear up tomorrow. On the other hand, if I had a pair of skis*, this would be fucking GREAT skiing weather. *...meaning of the cross-country variety.
  12. Hope you feel better soon, Dinny. I've got two words for you: hot toddy. Me: stayed home, did laundry, chilled with teh kittehs, worked on some music stuff.
  13. He's probably distracted by her shirts riding on her...uh...bits.
  14. It's a nautilus-style transmission line. Boom-shaka-laka-laka boom-shaka-laka-laka boom-shaka-laka-laka boom!
  15. Yeah, saw that, want, not getting. Thanks for thinking of me, though! I approve.
  16. ...and a duck pin set.
  17. Or maybe it's just overhyped, and he really means that they're just 'good'. Don't cave in to the pressure from the queen, Monkey-man, speak the truth.
  18. And grawk might like this one -- another polar bear/penguin tee:
  19. It's a tactile bass transducer attached to a silicon sleeve. And it's real. I just need to see if it comes in green.
  20. And Al's looking at her...
  21. Yeah, we were going to wait until it stopped snowing before we started shoveling (a lesson we learned a couple years ago, or last year, I think -- walking all over the snow while it's still falling just packs it down, making it harder to shovel -- easier to do it just once), but I think around 3 I'm going to do a stint, just to lower the amount of work I do tomorrow.
  22. That's what she said.
  23. He really downplays how much he knows, but then he did that Flash Gordon visual reference, and you "get it" -- he's entirely serious. Well, hopefully not entirely.
  24. I had to ask.
  25. Favorite quote (so far): "...so if you find yourself asking questions like, 'huh?' or 'what?'..."
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