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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Dollhouse notwithstanding, I declare Castle the best show on television. Before contradicting, please take into account that I watch very little television, and any and all opinions should take that into account. As such, for me, rating a show is either impossible, or very easy.
  3. 'Undisprovable bullshit'. But yes, bullshit all the same. I would call it axiomatic bullshit -- so many people know that it's bullshit, that one can't call someone else out on it, it's just assumed that everyone knows it's bullshit.
  4. Had me at "80's".
  5. I hadn't heard them called "bagpipes" before.
  6. I do, too.
  7. Yeah, I guess I missed that you're going to need a breakout cable if you ever need to use any of its inputs.
  8. Just for reference -- all those 1-8 things are intended for breakout cables, 8 channels each. So you don't need to worry about that unless you want to do multi-channel something-or-other.
  9. Pfff. (wields bludgeon)
  10. Well yes and no. When you said "math aspect", that made me think technical metal, that's all. But if you do end up liking it, then yes, you should probably look up other technical metal such as some of Death's albums. Oh, and another one worth trying: Painter's Palette, from Ephel Duath. Listen to the entire album before you give up on it. It stars off kind of screamo, but since the drummer comes from a jazz background, he gives them an interesting push in that direction. (And no other album, at least, not until you've branched out in other areas -- their first album is more black metal, and the ones after it go in other directions -- they're kind of like Sentenced or Ulver, in that no two albums of theirs are alike.)
  11. Well, if you want to check out technical metal, the blueprint was forged by Cynic, Focus. That is required listening, if for no other reason than to hear the one record that influenced pretty much everyone that heard it. Seminal. You may want a change of underwear handy. Something made out of canvas, perhaps, something that can handle clay. And, for some reason, I always associate Nile with Meshuggah. I could be out there, though. Oh, and you should definitely check out Canvas Solaris. Go in blind on them, you'll be pleasantly surprised.
  12. Shirt.woot
  13. Win.
  14. You need to post that on things-that-look-like-faces.com (or whatever it's called).
  15. Awesome. Also: she's listing.
  16. I can imagine! (Although I probably wouldn't be calling Mother Nature a bitch if she was providing the psychedelic light show -- she's also one of my favorite artists.)
  17. Today will be a Castle day.
  18. My housemate couldn't even get the front door open this morning.
  19. Chris -- total win on that. Take that, Mother Nature! Bitch!
  20. They must have re-opened one, because I am sure I heard that they had all runways closed at one point. Which was, admittedly, earlier in the day (which also was, admittedly, shortly after Nate's "waiting" post).
  21. Brian! Welcome to head-case, sorry about your thin skin and the back of your skull (standard greetings).
  22. DC got completely closed down (at least Dulles, didn't hear about the other two, but I'm thinking probably), you must have ended up either getting one of the last crews out, or they gave you an entirely different crew. Congrats on that! I haven't done a lick of shoveling, and our driveway is clear. Okay, my opinion of my housemate just went up a notch (she hired several guys).
  23. Bahamas? Nice!
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