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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Okay, so Sonbol Watches decides to sponsor watchuseek.com -- OMFG. First of all, is this the way you treat a sponsor? That said, they are worthy of every ounce of ridicule they are receiving -- Our Watches Will Get You Laid video: ...it's like the watch company equivalent of 3 Wolf Moon.
  2. Well, be careful all the same, otherwise you might get all the peace and quiet you can handle.
  3. Yeah, I know.
  4. Happy Birthday! Jesus, a lot of people are having birthdays today.
  5. You're such a loving husband.
  6. (nods appreciatively)
  7. The LM-4 Ceramic is next. It was almost first, it depended on which he had less stock of, since they're both limited. Mitch is a good guy.
  8. Happy Birthday!
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. Thanks! Didn't realize you liked watches. Three guess what face color and hand color I chose. I've decided to name this subset of my collection the high nigredo collection. (Nigredo is the alchemical word for 'blackness', as opposed to albedo.)
  11. Are you kidding? That was wonderful. BTW, I agree with you about the shrillness vs. just plain highly energetic in the high-frequency range, but then I'm closer to your age than to the younger listeners'.
  12. I would have to say so! And choosing sky blue was a nice touch.
  13. I'm kinda curious why no nerds? I mean, it sounds like he is one, so...why not?
  14. It's a good deal...only if you're anywhere near Oregon!
  15. Too. Let's see...blue Invicta, black invicta, 3 51-30's, 3 Time Teller P's, Bathys, Ocean7, 3 Scouts and Rockers (I'm not sure it's 2 and 1 or 1 and 2), the Private, the Melor...at least 15.
  16. Sympathies on both. I wouldn't give up, though. If it's just "not working", that doesn't sound like the driver, that sounds like the connections leading up to the driver.
  17. Salmon Panang from Pilin. Om nom nom nom nom...
  18. Verreh nas!
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. Ocean7 LM-6 Carbon -- a watch
  21. :drool:
  22. Yeah, like I said, I didn't even bother looking. Sort of like I'm not even going to bother monitoring this, it'll just depress me.
  23. 54mm
  24. One for Dan: From here. It's probably one of those multi-thousand dollar watches, I didn't even bother finding out.
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