Okay, so Sonbol Watches decides to sponsor watchuseek.com -- OMFG. First of all, is this the way you treat a sponsor? That said, they are worthy of every ounce of ridicule they are receiving -- Our Watches Will Get You Laid video:
...it's like the watch company equivalent of 3 Wolf Moon.
Thanks! Didn't realize you liked watches.
Three guess what face color and hand color I chose.
I've decided to name this subset of my collection the high nigredo collection. (Nigredo is the alchemical word for 'blackness', as opposed to albedo.)
Are you kidding? That was wonderful.
BTW, I agree with you about the shrillness vs. just plain highly energetic in the high-frequency range, but then I'm closer to your age than to the younger listeners'.
Let's see...blue Invicta, black invicta, 3 51-30's, 3 Time Teller P's, Bathys, Ocean7, 3 Scouts and Rockers (I'm not sure it's 2 and 1 or 1 and 2), the Private, the Melor...at least 15.
Sympathies on both. I wouldn't give up, though. If it's just "not working", that doesn't sound like the driver, that sounds like the connections leading up to the driver.